The three-legged bear was rescued and carefree with the hammock

When Bouncer was just 4 months old, he fell into a trap set illegally in a national park in Thailand. He was rescued by Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand (WFFT), who sadly determined that his leg needed to be amputated to save his life.


“The young three-legged Bouncer cannot be returned to the wild because his mother cannot be found and he would not be able to survive on his own,” WFFT press officer Paul Healey told The Dodo. “However, our dedicated staff helped rehabilitate him, [and] he grew from a scared cub to the confident bear he is today.”


Bouncer is now 19 years old and although he can never return to the wild, he still has a wonderful life on the reserve. He spends his days exploring and relaxing, and he doesn’t let having only three legs get in his way.

“Losing a limb doesn’t stop Bouncer from doing anything,” Healey said. “He has always been an avid climber, climbing all the structures in his environment, including watchtowers.”


However, his favorite activity has always been relaxing in a hammock with a piece of watermelon.

Every day in the afternoon, Bouncer will climb into his favorite hammock with a piece of watermelon and sit still. Then he spent hours swinging and relaxing, chilling out all day. It seems to be his favorite time of day and his caregivers love to see him enjoy himself that way.

Bouncer had a rough start to life, but rescuers quickly stepped in and turned things around for him. Now, his life is all about fun and relaxation – mostly revolving around hammocks and watermelons.


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