The most expensive flowers in the world, even if you hear their value, you will be surprised

Each flower has its own value, and that value has its own place compared to each person. Some people love red roses and feel they are queens, while others love blue chrysanthemums. but respectfully preserve. The world has thousands of flower species, some of which still have very high value, which is a measure of popularity, rarity and uniqueness. Let’s look at the “Most Expensive Flowers in the World” with the Golden Bridge. To have this natural beauty and uniqueness, people have had to pay a small price.

1. Kadupul flower

Kadupul flower has the scientific name Epiphyllum oxypetalum. It is easy to grow, but rare because it blooms very little. Flowers only bloom at night, and then mysteriously wither before dawn. These flowers are white and have a very unique, “exotic” fragrance. The value of this flower is priceless.


2. Juliet rose

The Juliet rose is a classic English rose, Juliet is one of the most popular flower varieties in England. The delicate petals are perfectly arranged to create a classic oversized rose. Juliet has a very light Tea scent. It took breeder David Austin 15 years to develop this flower, and this is truly a unique flower variety that you cannot find anywhere else. It is not surprising that it cost 5,800,000 USD in 2006. (about 122 billion VND).


3. Orchid by Shenzhen Nongke

Orchids from Shenzhen Nongke Company, China. This precious flower was developed in the laboratory of the Shenzhen Nongke agricultural research company. It seems that this flower resembles a common orchid, but a group of scientists conducted research and extended the time. full bloom. It took eight years to develop and in 2005, it was auctioned to an anonymous bidder for a shocking price of 202 thousand USD per tree (about 4.2 billion VND).


4. Rotchschild’s orchids

Rotchschild’s orchid, scientifically known as Paphiopedilum rothschildianum, was discovered in 1987, then was devastated by orchid smugglers and nearly became extinct. It lives in the wild only in the Kinabalu National Park area in Malaysia. The flower blooms every 15 years between April and May. It costs 5 thousand USD per tree (about 106 million VND). That is the cost of the preciousness and scarcity of this flower.


5. Kashmir saffron

Saffron (Crocus sativus) is the world’s most expensive spice by weight. The purple flower petals are shimmering and magical. It takes 80,000 flowers to harvest 500 grams of saffron, so it comes at an exorbitant cost of $1,200-1,500 for about 500 grams of saffron.


6. Tulip Bulbs

The Semper Augustus tulip bulb, with its image resembling a vivid flame on a background of white petals, caused a fever in the 17th century with its exotic beauty, rarity and expensive value. It costs about 5,700 USD per tuber. This rare beauty is a part of history.


7. Gloriosa flower

Gloriosa flowers, also known as fire lilies, are very beautiful and unique. This flower is colorful, but still extremely delicate. You can only see it in Africa, and it’s really rare, and it’s not easy to develop. That’s why it costs 6-10 USD per flower (about 127-212 thousand VND).


8. Lily of the valley

This flower is sold for 15 to 50 USD per bunch, because lily of the valley can only be harvested once a year and the harvest period lasts only one week.


Source: Cau Vang Flower Electric compiled.

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