The meaning of the orchid is its wonderful, soothing fragrance

Fresh flowers always bring wonderful things to people, that is, fresh flowers use their beauty and fragrance to soothe each person, bringing peace, coolness, joy and comfort. The need for fresh flowers is no longer limited to women, because people now need flowers for almost all ages, genders and many occasions such as happy birthdays, grand opening celebrations, etc. love flowers, apology flowers, condolence flowers,…

One of the most popular flowers today is orchids. There are many types of orchids, each with its own unique beauty and scent. Gradually, the hobby of orchids is also very popular in both urban and rural areas. People love this flower not only because of its elegance, luxury, novelty or gentle fragrance, but also because of its meaning.

The story of orchids is also learned by many people, today Golden Bridge joins you to review the meaning and story of this flower that many people call the beautiful queen.


In a remote region, where the climate is warm and the land is rich, there lives the Aruaki tribe. One thing is that they can command the Orchid bird to lay golden eggs in a nest in a tree hole and that event is considered a big festival. From those golden eggs, skilled workers created bracelets, earrings and all kinds of jewelry for the tribe.

Therefore, the girls in the tribe were assigned the task of taking turns dressing on tree branches, protecting the bird’s nest from destruction by falcons. The young men in the tribe held poisoned arrows and stood guard to prevent warriors from other tribes from capturing their tribe’s treasure.

Every day, the men of the tribe specialize in hunting, while the women stay at home weaving chiffon scarves, weaving baskets and picking cardamom.

One day the men returned from hunting with a worried mood. They met a group of hunters from a strange tribe and were told about the giant warships that had come to the shore, about the strange groups of people with short hair and white faces, who loved gold. , has set foot on land. The Aruaki tribesmen only focused on dealing with the group of white people and neglected the group of strange hunters.

And greed blinded some people in the group of strange hunters, including one named Khramooi Metvet. He was very fond of women’s jewelry and kept asking them where they could find the gold stone to make these bracelets and earrings, but only received a smile. Metvet tried every way to become friends with the eldest girl, the leader’s daughter named Dincadevvin, promising to marry her and stay with the tribe.

Metvet began to question Dincadevvin about why she and her sister kept disappearing into the deep forest from time to time. And Dincadevvin, because he mistakenly believed Metvet, told about the Orchit bird that lays golden eggs.


Dincadvin did not expect that her lover would reveal the secret of the Aruaki tribe to the white people. And so, after learning for sure that her sisters often took turns taking shelter in the trees, protecting the flock of birds that laid golden eggs, Metvet immediately got the guards drunk, and then informed the white people.

Metvet did not know that on the top of the tallest tree there was a young man called Ota Te, looking out over the near and far areas. He discovered that there were white people approaching the place where the bird laid the golden eggs, led by Metvet. After informing the village about the impending danger and Metvet’s treachery, he immediately sounded the alarm.

Dincadvin exclaimed in pain: – Oh, why did I reveal to you the secret of birds? The tribe’s shaman shouted loudly: – Hey girls! Quickly climb up and sit on the tree branches. Then, the white people won’t know which tree the bird nests in. Meanwhile, Taxan-útke will run to find the hunters and call them back to chase the white people away. Taxan-útke, the common name of the War Horse, galloped towards the tribe’s men who were busy hunting, while hundreds of other girls hurriedly rushed up the tree, holding tightly to the branches. Metvet led the group of white people into the forest, but he was really confused about which tree the bird nested in. The white people were very angry, shooting flaming arrows at the girls, but the girls still stubbornly hugged the tree branches. When the men ran back to the village and chased away the white people, it was too late, their elite children – their beautiful girls – were dead.

The shaman bowed to the heavens, called their names and said: – You have sacrificed your life to protect the treasure of my tribe, you deserve to be rewarded. Your souls will turn into fragrant flowers, they will constantly multiply on those branches and will tell future generations about your victory in protecting the bird that lays golden eggs.

Wonderful flowers of all kinds resembling the girls of the Aruaki tribe bloomed on the branches.

People today call it Orchidea flower – or Orchid flower.

Source: Cau Vang Flower Electric compiled.

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