Surprisingly, the 7 most intelligent animals in the world: Dolphins ranked 2nd, surprised at the position of pigs

Intelligence is a difficult concept to define, because it can include many different aspects, such as the  ability to learn, problem-solve, communicate, creativity, self-awareness, and emotions. Human and animal intelligence differ in nature. In the animal world, there are also species with special skills and abilities, showing that they also have intelligence. Below are the 10 smartest animals in the world based on many scientific studies.


Intelligence is a difficult concept to define, because it can include many different aspects, such as the ability to learn, problem-solve, communicate, creativity, self-awareness, and emotions. Human and animal intelligence differ in nature. In the animal world, there are also species with special skills and abilities, showing that they also have intelligence. Below are the 10 smartest animals in the world based on many scientific studies.

1. Chimpanzees

Chimpanzees top the list of the most intelligent animals in the world. This animal has impressive intelligence, they have the ability to imitate and learn very quickly from the environment. Chimpanzees have large and complex brains, allowing them to use tools, recognize themselves in mirrors, and express their own emotions and will. Chimpanzees also have rich body language and can learn human symbols and words, and they can also remember people’s names for years even without meeting them.

2. Dolphin

Dolphins are the most intelligent marine creatures, a dolphin’s brain is similar in size to a human’s. Dolphins have the ability to learn, solve problems, use tools, cooperate and play. Dolphins have a complex acoustic language that includes calls, whistles, and flashes. Like many other intelligent animals, female dolphins stay with their young for many years and teach them survival tricks.

3. Elephant

Elephants are the largest land animals, but also one of the most intelligent. Elephants have huge brains, allowing them to have excellent memory, the ability to learn and be creative. Elephants can use tools such as leaves, branches or rocks to cool, groom or kill prey. Elephants also have a rich acoustic and body language, including calls, vocalizations, and hums. Elephants can also perceive themselves and express emotions such as sadness, happiness, love and compassion.

4. Crow

Crows are one of the most intelligent birds in the world. They have the ability to learn, remember, and even be creative. In some stories, the film also builds on the intelligence of crows, such as crows picking pebbles into water bottles to drink, or crows delivering mail.

Some studies also show that crows can use rocks to break open seashells to eat.

5. Pig

We often have the curse word “stupid as a pig” but in fact pigs are a very intelligent species. Both wild boars and domestic pigs have the ability to adapt to different ecological conditions. They are considered animals that are easy to train like cats and dogs. Nowadays, pigs are also kept in the house as pets by many people. A study has shown that pigs raised in the house can use mirrors to find food and deceive other pigs to take advantage of the food. more.

6. Squirrel

Squirrel is an animal that is not only agile but also very intelligent. Squirrels are considered the “enemy” of farmers because most squirrels have “tricks” to collect all the food in the garden for their survival. Researchers determined that they have the ability to hide food skillfully and sophisticatedly like a “potential” thief.

7. Pigeon

Pigeons are popular birds in the world, known for their ability to fly long distances and high intelligence. In the past, pigeons were often used to deliver letters and appeared in many Chinese historical films.

Pigeons also have the ability to recognize hundreds of images they saw many years ago. They can also identify themselves in the mirror, and they have been taught to perform a series of activities that can subtly differentiate between themselves and their image in the mirror.

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