Son journey. Sadio Mane from a poor man to become the richest player in the soccer world

Mane’s village, Bambali, is located deep inside Senegal, about 400 km from the capital Dakar. The village has a population of only about 2000 people.


Ancient houses, wooden fences and many mango trees surround the village located on the banks of the Casamance River. Fishing and farming are the main occupations of the local people. French is the main language of all the villagers as it is also the main language of Senegal.


Mane built a school, a large hospital and a mosque in Bambali. The hospital holds great significance for Mane, as his father died when he was 11 years old due to lack of medical facilities.


The mosque that Mane built was influenced by his father, who was the Imam of the village’s previous mosque. Senegal has a population of more than 15 million people, with more than 95% of the population being Muslim. Mane’s house has a well inside, providing the villagers with drinking water.


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