Rescue the orphaned black cat

A kitten was challenged in every way, but became an adorable “owl cat” with a second chance.


At just four weeks old, a little kitten named Rosaline came to the animal rescue, One Cat at a Time (Un chat a la fois), looking for the opportunity for a better life.

He was born in a hoarding situation without adequate food or care. She was slowly wasting away and desperately needed intervention. Frail and covered in dirt, she was the only survivor of her litter, clinging to life with all her might.

Although he had no appetite and struggled with stomach problems, the little kitten was strong-willed and receptive to help.


“She was rescued just in time. “We don’t think he would have survived if he had stayed there longer,” One Cat shared with Time.

With medication and supportive care, Rosaline perked up and regained enough strength to drink from a bottle. After two days of affection, his playful side emerged with renewed energy. “She is climbing in her playpen and is very active.”


Rosaline had been deprived of even the simplest comforts during the first weeks of her life. “She came from a situation that was not ideal and never had a clean blanket, toys or a clean litter box.”

The community came together to spoil Rosaline with lots of toys, treats, and soft, cuddly things to make up for lost time.


She learned to eat from a bowl with the support and guidance of her caregiver and adapted to her new litter box like a pro. Her purr motor turned on when she was petted, filling the room with happy, rumbling purrs.

With a dedicated volunteer who catered to her every whim, Rosaline grew by leaps and bounds.


At six months, her baby blues had transformed into a beautiful amber color. She cavorted around the house with her unbridled energy, always looking for trouble. His pupils dilated greatly as he fixed his eyes on a moving toy.

It gives the cute impression of an owl with its big, round eyes and adorable face.


He adores his people, especially the little humans in the family. She rubs herself against them, showering them with her affection. “She is never far from her humans. “He loves cats and even dogs.”

Having gone hungry early in her life, Rosaline now has a voracious appetite, enjoying every meal and always eating her fill.


When she was finally ready to be adopted, the rescue team hoped to find a loving family who would welcome her into their home and hearts. Week after week, they waited patiently for the perfect adoption application.

A family who had previously adopted from the rescue came across Rosaline on social media and felt an immediate connection.


They were in love with her resilient spirit and love of play and food and knew she would be the perfect addition to their family.

At around seven months old, Rosaline happily graduated from the foster system and joined her family in their new home.


“Rosaline came to us when she was just four weeks old and was the only one of her litter to survive. Our little orphan has blossomed and the best is yet to come for her. We will remember his big round eyes. Our dear owl cat.”


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