National bird species are strictly protected


© Roxana Walters/TNC Photo Contest 2019

The bald eagle was included as part of the seal of the United States in 1776, although Congress did not officially adopt the seal until 1782. Seven years later, the bald eagle was declared national bird. It is a myth that Ben Franklin suggested turkey was the better choice. After the fact, he complained about the selection in a private letter, but he never stood in the way of the rising icon.

The bird was chosen partly because it was a symbol of the power of the Roman Empire. That’s not an uncommon choice. Eagle symbols around the world include the golden eagle (national bird of Austria, national bird of Albania, Mexico, Kazakhstan, Scotland, Serbia and Germany), the African fish eagle (Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe), the eagle Harpy eagle (Panama), Java hawk eagle. (Indonesia), Philippine eagle (Philippines) and white-tailed eagle (Poland). Canada

© Becky Matsubara / Flickr

While the United States pioneered the trend by declaring an official bird more than 200 years ago, Canada was slow to the game. The maple leaf has appeared on Canadian military uniforms since the 1850s, but it was not until 2017 that the bird image became the official symbol in this country.

The Canada jay, sometimes called the gray jay or whiskey jack, beat out four other top contenders for the title including the Canada goose, loon, snowy owl and black-capped sparrow. The loon won the popular vote, but the final choice ultimately went to the Royal Canadian Geographical Society. The committee felt that many other species were already provincial birds, so it would be best to choose a new symbol that would have coast-to-coast appeal. Bermuda

© n88n88 / Flickr

The Bermuda albatross or cahow is the bird mascot of the British Overseas Territory of Bermuda. For more than 300 years, seabirds were thought to be extinct. Still critically endangered, the species has been subjected to extraordinary conservation efforts since its rediscovery in the 1950s.

Bermuda’s first conservation officer, Dr David Wingate, has directed a huge ecological restoration project on Nonsuch Island since 1962, and now his successor Jeremy Madeiros has taken up the role . In addition to habitat expansion, cahow and other native birds have been relocated to the area.

Seagulls are using artificial nesting burrows and you can follow the action thanks to a cahow camera. The global population remains below 500 animals. Guyana

Hoatzin © Gabriel Belloc/TNC Photo Contest 2019

Many countries in Central and South America have chosen the phoenix as their national symbol. Honduras’ iconic scarlet parrot. Exquisite vibrant quetzal from Guatemala. The unmistakable keel-billed toucan of Belize.

Guyana, on the other hand, chose the hoatzin, which is commonly known locally as the Canje pheasant. Long, sparse feathers on the head and neck give this species an unkempt appearance. The green skin around her face and bright red eyes add to the sophistication. A pair of talons on the wings of the young birds is reminiscent of Archeopteryx, although the idea that the hoatzin was “primitive” due to its dinosaurian appearance is another avian myth. Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador

A captive Andean vulture. © Eric Kilby / Flickr

Like Guyana, some countries have chosen unique bird species to claim as their own, but in other cases, some of the most iconic birds have been adopted by multiple locations. For various reasons, the regal Andean condor has been bestowed the title of national bird for Bolivia (for its pursuit without borders), Chile (for strength), Columbia (for freedom and order). and Ecuador (for power, greatness and courage).

The Andean condor is considered the largest bird when considering both wingspan and mass. They are primarily scavengers, eating almost exclusively carrion. Argentina & Uruguay

A Rufous Hornero (Furnarius rufus), a medium-sized ovenbird of the family Furnariidae, perches on a fence post, Brazil. © Devan King/TNC

According to a 1928 student journalism contest, the Andean condor was also the favorite choice of Argentina’s national bird. But a plea and a poem from ornithologists helped that country abandon the condor and instead embrace the tawny-horned bird.

Since h orno is Spanish for oven, the name Hornero refers to the domed mud nests that look like ovens. Birds, especially their calls, are associated with luck and prosperity. Peru

© Nathan Rupert / Flickr

Peru has rejected the Andean condor trend set by many of its neighbors. Instead, it is accompanied by another species named after the local mountain range… the Andean rooster. Cock-of-the-rock is related to contingas. The male is a bright orange bird with a thick fan-like crest. Females are a soft brown color. This species is a resident of cloud forests.

Breeding occurs in communal locations, where males display to find potential mates. Nests are often built on rocks and ledges. Austria & Estonia

A swallow on the Medano-Zapata Ranch in the San Luis Valley, CO. © Chris Pague/TNC

As mentioned, Austria’s national animal is the golden eagle, but they also have an official bird: the barn swallow. This species of swallow is also a recognized species in Estonia. The fork-tailed bird has been featured on stamps and currency and is a familiar leaflet.

The swallow is also known as the eave swallow, which refers to the bird’s nesting habits while also building mud cups under the rafters. Swallows mainly breed throughout the northern hemisphere and six subspecies are currently recognized. Denmark

© Mark Moschell / Flickr

In 1984, Denmark changed its national bird from the nightingale to the mute swan. Mute swans may be aggressive non-natives in North America and elsewhere, but they occur naturally in Denmark.

However, this designation does not appear to be motivated by natural history. Instead, the recognition was a nod to Hans Christian Anderson’s famous bird in The Ugly Duckling . Like other countries, Denmark makes this choice by polling the opinions of its citizens. Iraq and Pakistan

© Sergey Yeliseev / Flickr

Chukar are native to the Middle East and South Asia, but they have been widespread as birds of prey in the western United States, Hawaii, British Columbia, parts of Europe and New Zealand.

This species is the national bird of both Iraq and Pakistan. Portly grouse are adapted to habitats with lots of dry rocks. They are capable of running away as well as being able to dash away in flight. The name chukar is based on the cry of this chicken-like bird and the earliest reference is in Sanskrit dating from 250-500 AD.

Aggressive during the breeding season, males are occasionally kept as fighting birds in Iraq. In their native range, chukar are at risk of genetic loss partly due to hybridization. Malaysia

© AbZahri AbAzizis / Wikimedia Commons

Malaysia has 10 species of hornbill, but the species that represents both Sarawak state and the whole country is the rhinoceros hornbill. It is also printed on the Malaysian Ringgit.

Hornbills have two fused upper vertebrae that help support their giant beaks. One function of the banknote’s casque structure is thought to be as a sound amplifier, broadcasting sounds more widely through dense rainforest vegetation. Most hornbill species are facing serious threats, but researchers hope to use them as umbrella species to maintain forest health.

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