Mother otter carries her baby on her belly so that her baby doesn get wet while swimming across the river

qThis adorable moment was captured by 40-year-old nature photographer Suzi Eszterhas. She took this photo in Monterey Bay, California, where she often observes the local wildlife and takes some photos of it. She has been photographing sea otters for more than 20 years, so she knows sea otter behavior well.


‘Most sea otter mothers are quite shy with their babies, but this mother is very used to people and was very comfortable lovingly raising her puppy in a busy harbor.

As you can see in the picture, the devoted mother otter found a great way to keep her newborn baby warm and dry. She lifted the baby out of the water and let it ride on her belly. She also blew warm air into the puppy’s fur to gently brush it.


Eszterhas witnessed a mother letting her child float on the water’s surface while hunting for small animals under the water’s surface. ‘Sometimes, she swims straight to the dock and lets her dog float in the water right in front of me while she forages.


Eszterhas was shocked when the two approached where she was standing. However, she tried to stay still so as not to scare them. She used a long telephoto lens to photograph them without disturbing their activities.


‘She did this so many times; it makes me feel like a babysitter. It’s adorable and it also really shows how vulnerable and trustworthy wild animals are,” Eszterhas said.

This adorable mother otter has come up with the cutest way to keep her babies warm and dry. Scroll down to watch the video!

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