important step toward preserving the beloved public lands of the American West

In an important step toward preserving the beloved public lands of the American West, conservation groups and advocates issued the following responses after the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) released the revised Draft Resource Management Plan (RMP). This is an important step in the BLM’s effort to update plans originally approved in 2015, providing stakeholders and the public with an understanding of the types of uses or actions that will considered by the BLM when working with state governments and other agencies to meet their stated goal of creating management plans that “support resilient and resilient grouse populations.” This update represents a renewed commitment to protecting the complex web of life supported by the sagebrush ecosystem, which is essential for more than 350 species of conservation concern, including the Greater Grouse Sage is iconic, as well as for the livelihoods and cultural traditions of countless species. communities throughout the West. Public comment will begin March 15 and end June 13, 2024.

This effort is driven by the need to integrate new scientific knowledge and proactively respond to the rapidly evolving conditions brought about by climate change.


“Working to get the greater grouse off the endangered species list involves more than just birds,” said Alison Holloran, executive director of Audubon Rockies . “For those of us living in the West, we realize how important it is to take seriously the dramatic decline of this bird species because it is a very real warning that the country Bitter is having difficulty. We need to make some meaningful changes and work harder together to conserve birds and secure the future of the West.”


“The Nature Conservancy (TNC) applauds proactive efforts to maintain and increase vibrant sage-grouse and sage-grouse populations,” said Lee Davis, Public Land Policy Specialist , TNC. across state lines to prevent the listing of these species under the Endangered Species Act (ESA).” Sagebrush marine program. “Sage sage populations are growing and healthy, intact sage-grouse habitats continue to decline and face daunting challenges. Working with partners and communities, we can succeed if we build infrastructure on already degraded land and remove invasive annual weeds to limit destructive wildfires . Supporting strong investments in restoration will benefit grouse as well as the people and communities that call these lands home.”

“The Great Sage-grouse is a focal point for the entire Mountain West ecosystem,” said Bobby McEnaney , Director of the Natural Resources Defense Council. “These urgently needed protections will go a long way in preventing the extinction of this iconic species, helping restore healthy populations and protecting this one-of-a-kind landscape. There is more work to be done, but this is an important step to protect the sage grouse and the resources it relies on.”

“Continued commitment to conservation of the greater grouse is critically important to the health of our sagebrush ecosystem and the species,” said Kaden McArthur, director of government relations for Backcountry Hunters. other that rely on that core habitat like pronghorn and mule deer .” & Fisherman . “As intact sagebrush habitat on our public lands continues to decline, so do opportunities for sportsmen and women across the West. The Resource Management Plan released by the Bureau of Land Management provides new frameworks and opportunities to conserve and restore these landscapes and the wildlife that depend on them through the best available science. Have.”

“Greater grouse are among more than 350 native wildlife and plant species that depend on the sagebrush ecosystem for survival. Unfortunately, we are currently losing 1.3 million acres of sage-grouse habitat each year due to the effects of drought, invasive species, wildfires, and human development, causing sage-grouse are in great danger,” said David Willms, vice president of public lands at the organization . National Wildlife Federation . “We appreciate the Biden Administration’s recognition that healthy, intact landscapes are essential for both grouper conservation and sustaining our Western way of life. It will involve all stakeholders—federal, state, Tribal, and local leaders; sportsmen and women; Ranchers and conservationists—continue to work together as we have for decades to successfully conserve this iconic species and landscape.”


“Since 1998, Nevada has lost 71% of its prime sagebrush habitat. As sage grouse and its habitat continue to decline, it is important that we use the best available science to steer sage grouse and grouse management down a path to success. ” said Russell Kuhlman, Executive Director of the Nevada Wildlife Federation . “Historical documents suggest that partridges were so numerous that they could block out the sun, similar to passenger pigeons. Without an effective management plan, the grouse has the potential to become the passenger pigeon of the 21st century.”

“Pew applauds the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) for incorporating the latest science, including climate impact planning, into this sage plan update. With the health of the sagebrush ecosystem and bird populations continuing to decline, it is more important than ever to conserve this habitat to help the many species that depend on the sagebrush—and the people in local communities that rely on sagebrush lands to support their livelihoods and traditions,” said Marcia Argust, director of Pew’s American conservation program . “These draft plans are a step in the right direction, but the science is pointing to the need for even more robust management so that greater grouse populations can recover. Since 2015, important new scientific information has been collected and hundreds of peer-reviewed scientific publications related to better sage grouse management have been published. BLM can succeed in its final plan by analyzing and incorporating this new, best available science, along with planning for a changing climate and enhanced management practices for the species greater grouse and the health of this classic American landscape.”


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