Discover the enchanting romance of affectionate wildlife in “Nature’s Love Stories”

In the animal world, there are many species. Besides males having to show strength, wealth, generosity, and loyalty, they also have to show romance and devotion to their partners. Sometimes some species even sacrifice themselves to harmonize with the heartbeat of their children…

On Valentine’s Day 2012, VietNamNet would like to introduce to readers the animals with the most romantic love in the animal world.

1. Hamsters


Most rodents are crude and unromantic, but voles are completely different. Hamsters are also one of the most faithful animals in the animal world.

When they reach adulthood, males will come to court and stay with their mates. This marriage will last for the rest of your life. During the breeding season, they will mark their territory and protect their love from any intruders by grinding their teeth and raising their front legs. According to human expression, those are two fists warning the enemy.

Males in particular will become aggressive towards other females that try to enter their territory, which is different from humans where men are always “infatuated with a third person”. Even male rats will attack if there is a potential threat to destroy the family home.

The romance of hamsters is also shown in the fact that they know how to share the responsibility of raising children, grooming each other and always hugging their partner to keep their bodies warm.

2. Seahorse


You may know that the male seahorse is a very devoted father when he carries his pregnant belly for his children. But you may not know that they are the most romantic animals in the ocean.

When courting, they wrap their tails around each other, swim everywhere and change colors to show the world that they are “married” and preparing for a responsible home.

The male’s courtship process with the female can last a few days. With the female’s consent, they will form a pair to dance a fiery tango in the ocean and what is special is the display. This dance lasts up to 8 hours.

When a male becomes pregnant, the female will follow her “husband” closely until she gives birth. The female will also visit it every morning, grasping the tail, changing color and flirting to ensure that he will continue to care for and nurture the eggs until he goes into labor.

3. Elephant


Elephants are animals famous for having excellent memories and this gives them an advantage over many other animals. Elephants almost never forget birthdays or anniversaries.

This large animal usually lives separately, but when it comes to mating age, the male will know what to do. Male elephants fight for the right to mate with their partners, which is also a way to show courage and strength.

When the battle was over, this powerful warrior became weak before his partner. It will court the female that has just been won after passing through the gates of many candidates. Because it knows that strength and courage are not enough, but romance and “soft skills” are also needed.

After winning the female’s affection, they will mate and both will enjoy a “honeymoon” that lasts many weeks. During this time, they also act like any other love-drunk person, enjoying happiness and leaving the world behind after entering the drunkenness of love.

4. Bowerbird


Humans are not the only animals that have difficulties in love and difficulties in conquering the affections of women, at least there are bowerbirds. To win the affection of the female, the male bowerbird must show his talent as well as his utmost romance.

They will usually build a bedroom with two vertical walls made from sticks, then decorate that room with colorful objects they can find, but usually seashells, leaves, flowers, and feathers. birds, rocks and even trash that people throw away like glasses, coins…

Females will go from one “wedding room” to another, glancing at the males as they preen, dance and show off their collections. As a result, the male with the brightest, most fancy and most noticed bedroom will be chosen by the female as his partner.

To win in this race to find a mate, bowerbirds sometimes come up with clever tricks: stealing decorative items to bring back for themselves when the neighbor is not paying attention.

5. Green parrot


The green parrot is not only a beautiful and intelligent animal but also one of the most romantic animals in the world. That’s why many couples give green parrots instead of wedding rings to symbolize lifelong commitments.

Like most birds, green parrots are monogamous. Their romantic love is expressed when they often sit together, cuddle, and preen each other’s feathers, and for most people, it is truly intense love. It was from this image that the ancient Greeks believed that the blue parrot would die if they lost their mate.

Blue parrots usually go looking for a mate when they are 2 months old. The female will shake her feathers to tell the male that she is impressed and likes him. And then the male begins to display a courtship dance, including head bobbing and neck craning.

When laying eggs, the female will incubate the eggs in the nest while the male goes out looking for food. When returning, the male will feed the female and this is likened to a kiss in humans. There is food, both will feed the baby birds. (Photo 5)

6. Crocodile


Although they look rough and ugly, ugly fish are very romantic when expressing their affection for their partner. When mating season comes, the male alligator will approach the female and begin to perform his most wonderful dance, including rubbing and stroking the female’s back, blowing bubbles gently on the female’s cheek, and swimming around. around children to attract attention.

Along with these gentle emotions, the male will roar and use sound to create a unique water show in the animal world.

When both of them have the same rhythm, they will make the water on their backs dance like the Ballagio fountain in Las Vegas. In the end, they both danced to the love song like stage stars. All of this is explained by scientists to show romance in the crocodile’s conquest of love.

7. Tern


From ancient times to the present, tycoons used to spend money to buy expensive gifts for “long legs” and beauties to show their strength of wealth, power, romance and generosity. However, this method is nothing new to terns.

To conquer females, male terns often show romance by bringing their females the most delicious food, specifically fish. Normally, females are interested in “rich” males, which means the size and number of fish that males earn.

Females will “reward” the lover with the biggest and most generous gift by forming a pair. After becoming lovers, they show their happiness by flying acrobats in the air and this is also a way to organize their marriage before they go looking for a nest to live together.

8. Ankle fish


Male anglerfishes are one of the most romantic and sacrificial animals: They never lose their lover or cheat on their feelings. In the darkest place on earth, the ocean floor, which is kilometers above the sea surface, finding a partner at the right time is an almost impossible challenge.

As a result, male anglerfishes developed a completely different approach. When they become adults, their bodies will urge them to find children to become engaged to.

When a male sees a female, he will quickly follow and release a special love bite to cling tightly to the female.

Over time, this bite releases an enzyme that dissolves its mouth and body. But then, the two connect together into a complete body.

And indeed two hearts beat together because they share blood for the rest of their lives. The male’s testicles will also be stored after some parts are broken up, and these testicles will be used to produce offspring.

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