Joshua and Bee Fisher, a couple from California, decided to adopt two Terranovas as pets and raise their horses. The Fishers reside on Log Beach and rarely post photos of their furry family on Instagram. In 2014, she adopted Ralphie, Terranova of the Year, and the following year added another family member, Boss, also Terranova of the Year. These large dogs can weigh more than 126 pounds (9 kg) and measure up to six fingers long from the tip of their nose to the tip of their tail. The couple admitted they were shocked to meet Terranova in person. Bee remembers being stunned and laughing at his enormity. Even so, she couldn’t resist adopting more and Josh convinced Bee to add another cat to her family.
Meet Crυz, boss Terranova’s companion of three years. These lightweight giants can weigh over 126 pounds and are up to six fingers long from snout to tail!