Birds of paradise sparkle like rare inhabitants of aristocratic glittering jungle harems

Bird of Paradise (Bird)

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“The birds of paradise glitter like the rarely glimpsed inhabitants of an Asian harem, who are draped in colorful gold and bathed in the purple of dawn.” ––Thomas Forrest, Breadtree Fruit, 1784

Most birds of paradise are found in the upper reaches of the forest canopy.

The bird of paradise surpasses other birds thanks to its beautiful plumage and spectacular courtship display. Their brilliant colors and magical plumes have given rise to amazing stories about their origins and habits, and the Malay phrase for birds, manuq Dewata, translates as bird of the gods. Not all birds in the bird-of-paradise taxonomic family bear the name bird-of-paradise; There are also sicklebills, astrapia, paradigallas, rifles, parotias, manucodes and paradise crows.

There is no group of birds as beautiful and diverse in plumage and behavior as the birds of paradise. They are usually birds with heavy beaks and are quite stout, but there are many species, each with its own unique shape and color. Birds of paradise range in size from the size of a starling to the size of a crow. And that doesn’t include the male’s furry tail which can grow up to 3 feet (1 meter) long, depending on the species!

In terms of plumage, birds of paradise range in color from black to the artist’s bright palette. Some feathers are as delicate as lace, while others shimmer with a metallic gold sheen. Some males have bright blue wattles, mouths, or bare skin patches. These birds of paradise look like something you could only find in a fantasy land.

Few travelers ever venture into the dense mountain rainforests of New Guinea and northeastern Australia. However, that’s where you’ll find most of these unique birds, in tropical forests at sea level to cloudier and cooler montane forests at elevations up to 11,480 feet ( 3,500 meters). Several species of birds of paradise inhabit open prairies and some can also be seen in gardens, on the edges of towns, flying over highways or even in central public parks , as long as there are trees.

At ease in the trees, birds of paradise often reside in the upper ranges of the forest canopy. Some go a little lower and may occasionally forage on the forest floor. Birds love to bathe, using shallow forest ponds or even bird baths! Most female birds of paradise build their nests from vines, twigs, leaves, and moss. The little king bird of paradise is unusual in that it nests in tree hollows.

Watch! Little is known about the behavior of birds of paradise, but it is thought that natural predators include hawks and snakes. Eggs and chicks are most vulnerable.


The eating habits of birds of paradise are not well known but it is believed that most of them are frugivores. Most birds of paradise eat insects; They have been observed tearing up dead wood to get at the insects. Some people have been seen eating seeds, frogs, reptiles and nesting birds.

At the San Diego Zoo and San Diego Zoo Safari Park, birds of paradise eat low-iron pellets intended for soft-billed birds, as well as apples, papayas and cantaloupe. During the breeding season, mealworms and crickets are added.


A male Raggiana bird of paradise dances to impress the female.

When it comes to making noise, the bird of paradise is not shy! They call to announce their territory, advertise their location to potential mates, or to sound an alarm, but with different vocalizations, depending on the species. The male lowland riflebird has a very sharp call, from which it gets its common name, and the brown sickle-billed bird emits a series of short notes that sound like a machine gun. Imperial birds of paradise hum, while magnificent birds of paradise make clicking noises.

Other ways of communicating include flapping their wings or brandishing their bills.

When it comes to courtship, birds of paradise are truly amazing and as diverse as their colors. Adult males have plumes, frills, capes, quills, lace feathers and/or skirts, with tails that can resemble extendable fans, whips, twisted strings, etc. Those tails may look nice but they don’t do much for flying. Instead, they are intended to help the male show off any amazing dance moves to attract as many females as possible and surpass his competitors.

Some danced in the trees; others create a stage on the forest floor by stripping leaves so sunlight falls on them, a striking fashion. Many males appear in a common area called a lek, where they compete for the attention of females. Displays may include charging then holding a rigid position, hanging from limbs, or alternately freezing and spinning.

Once the male has mated with a willing female, he will leave to find another female. He does not participate in helping with nesting or raising the young; The woman does this work herself. Her nest is shaped like a cup and is made of leaves, ferns, twigs and moss. Nests are often found in tree branches.

Special exception. Not all birds of paradise are brightly colored or have fancy feather “ornaments.” And not all males abandon their females after breeding. Some, such as manucodes, are less colorful and vibrant, males tend to mate with only one female per breeding season, and both parents help build the nest and feed the chicks.

Newly hatched bird of paradise chicks have no feathers; Their eyes open in about six days. Their fur begins to appear after 8 to 10 days. They are born at 20 to 30 days old but can stay with their parents for many weeks before venturing out on their own. Females can reach maturity at about a year old, males usually take longer: two to four years, depending on the species. However, males that need attractive plumage for courtship may take four to seven years to attain full adult plumage.


The San Diego Zoo began caring for birds of paradise in 1925; Over the years, we have kept 19 species between the Zoo and the San Diego Zoo Safari Park.

Notable hatch marks. In 1968, a less-elite pair of birds of paradise raised a chick at the Zoo, the first successfully reared of any bird-of-paradise species at the Zoo and the first hatching of the species. This bird is in the United States. The first Raggiana bird of paradise bred in North America hatched at the Zoo in 1981. In September 1983, the San Diego Zoo was awarded the Association of Zoos and Aquariums Major Achievement Award for its program. Our Raggiana bird of paradise breeding program.

In 1999, an aviary opened in the Zoo’s Lost Forest, specifically designed to breed Ragianna birds of paradise. Visitors can observe courtship behavior as wildlife care specialists rotate the male with the nesting female just before the female lays her eggs. In 2001, the Safari Park celebrated the birth of the first beautiful birds of paradise in our care.

Currently, the San Diego Zoo is home to the magnificent Raggiana birds of paradise in various aviaries. The Safari Park also cares for the beautiful and amazing birds of paradise, but they are not available for public viewing in the Park’s Bird Breeding Complex.


Fashion bird. Bird of paradise feathers were known and appreciated in Asia 2,000 years ago. Leather and feathers were important to European women’s fashion more than a century ago and are still used by the indigenous people of New Guinea in their costumes and ceremonies. During the 1880s and 1890s, several bird-of-paradise species nearly became extinct because of the fashion for using feathers to decorate hats. Up to 50,000 skins are exported each year. This practice was finally stopped in the 1920s, when all birds of paradise were protected from export.

Today, some hunting is allowed but only to satisfy the ceremonial needs of indigenous societies.

The isolated mountainous island of New Guinea was once a paradise for birds. Few predators other than the natives live there. But exposure to the industrialized world brought the threat of extinction. Islands, by their very nature, leave wildlife with nowhere to go when conditions change for the worse. The biggest problem facing birds of paradise today comes from large logging companies that clear all the trees in the rainforest for cardboard and hardwood products.

Currently, the blue bird of paradise Paradisaea rudolphi , the Wahnes’ parotia Parotia wahnesi and the MacGregor’s bird of paradise Macgregoria pulchra are all vulnerable.

We hope there will still be a place for these avian wonders to continue their courtship dances! By supporting the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance, you are our ally in saving and protecting wildlife around the world.

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