Art in mysteriously beautiful waves

Tattooist INNO’s work captures hearts with its majestic creatures and graceful lines. Discover more about him in this interview.

I’ve always admired tattoos that feel like they’re moving. Natural elements such as water, fire and animals such as snakes and birds seem to come alive as they adorn the human body.

That’s why my eyes couldn’t take my eyes off Tattooist INNO’s works when I first saw them on his Instagram. Whether it’s waves, dragons or phoenixes, everything comes alive thanks to his needles.

With over 37k followers on Instagram, he is on a journey to grow, create and captivate the hearts of moving tattoo lovers.

Today, I had the pleasure of chatting with him about his career, style, life and tips for choosing a good tattoo artist. Join me as we explore his unique path into the world of tattooing and how he creates a mesmerizing tattoo from the ground up.

The beginning of a career

INNO’s artistic journey begins with inspiration from the sea. “I live near the beach,” INNO shares. “When I’m discouraged or can’t think of any ideas, I often look at the ocean and meditate.” The vast ocean and constantly moving waves spark endless creative ideas for INNO.

And through it, he found his true calling: creating art that reflects the fluidity of water and blends seamlessly with the body. “My career choice was not tied to any specific reason, but to a natural attraction.”

When he started making wave-themed artworks, INNO noticed that they attracted more attention than other designs. At the same time, his interest in tattooing was sparked by a pretty little flower tattoo he came across.

“Tattoos can be more than simple drawings; they can be art. I have to do this!” he realized that, setting the course for his unique artistic and stylistic journey.

Find your voice in the tattoo world

INNO’s creations go deep into every detail. Every line, curve and perfect contrast between light and dark areas helps create movement in his vast collection of dragon and phoenix tattoos.

While magical creatures like these are not uncommon in the tattoo world, INNO has a unique concept. “I wanted to bring water and fire together in harmony and infuse my designs with these contrasting elements.” This innovative approach to classic icons brings a sense of movement and life to his designs.

Fire phoenix and water dragon @tattooist.inno

Although every tattoo has a special place in INNO’s heart, he was especially drawn to the small dragon tattoo he created. It turns the human body into the sky and these miniature dragons fly across the canvas as if on an adventure. “It takes you to another world. And that’s what I want my clients to feel every time they see their tattoo.”

Small dragon tattoo by @tattooist.inno

The creative process of tattoo artist INNO

For INNO Tattoo Artist, customers play an important role in the success of a tattoo. His creative process is a collaborative dance between artist and client.

“What I value most is customer needs,” INNO explains. “Most of my paintings are inspired by customers’ ideas. I listen to them talk about their feelings and stories, then reinterpret them in my own style.” By working closely with clients with empathy and care, he is able to create tattoos that clients love.

When it comes to marketing strategy, INNO firmly believes in the power of creativity and skill. “The works that attract the most attention are often unusual, creative and well-executed. And that’s what I’m aiming for.”

Find a good tattoo and tattoo artist

Getting a tattoo, especially your first tattoo, is not always easy. It’s not just a way to express yourself, it’s also a commitment. “If you’re not sure about what tattoo to get, take your time until you’re sure.” INNO believes that tattoos are lifelong marks. And one should be sure about their choice before getting inked. Additionally, starting with a small tattoo is often a good choice.

Finding the right tattoo artist is another important step in getting a great tattoo, if not the most important. INNO suggests that tattoo hunters carefully review the resumes and research of potential artists. “Designs aren’t the only thing to consider. Photos of their healed tattoos also help determine the quality and durability of their work.”

Aftercare is just as important as the inking process. To maintain the vibrancy of your tattoo over time, INNO has two tips:

  1. Apply sunscreen and have a consistent skin care routine to maintain skin moisture.
  2. Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Avoid smoking and drinking too much alcohol.

While most people focus on the first aspect, healthy living is often overlooked. However, it is important to maintain the condition of your skin and tattoo over the long term.

Life in and out of tattooing

Outside of the tattoo shop, INNO is a fitness enthusiast. He believes that maintaining good physical fitness is essential for life balance and good work performance.

INNO’s passion for tattooing is complemented by one of his hobbies – photography. When he’s not designing or tattooing, he enjoys exploring new places and capturing beautiful and comforting moments.

Despite the demanding nature of tattooing, INNO still finds boundless joy in his work. It’s a passion that doesn’t feel like a burden. And it makes work feel like play. And this happiness is contagious to his customers, fellow tattoo artists and his online followers.

If you want to know more about his work, check out his Instagram profile or leave your questions for him in the comments section.

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