Animals with the most unique and beautiful appearances in the natural world


Hedgehogs aren’t super unique, but they’re definitely cute. Here are some animals that are super cute but also very interesting. Think of these animals when you want to litter!


Kinkajous live in the tropical forests of Central and South America. They spend most of their time in trees! Fun fact is that they can turn their legs backwards to run more easily in both directions along tree features. Their tails are also very “handy”. It’s basically a fifth arm that can hold things very easily, like a monkey. It is called a prehensile tail. Don’t they look super adorable!


This cute boy grew up in a very small region of China in the mountainous forests. They grow up to be a darker mustard/orange color with a greener face. Like most animal “herds,” these monkeys are raised with one adult male and multiple females. It got its unique name thanks to its unique nose! Hope that wasn’t too obvious.


These cute dogs belong to the marsupial family and are commonly found in the tropical regions of New Guinea. There are also 12 different species of tree kangaroos, some of which are found in Australia. Depending on the species of tree kangas, they can weigh up to 22 pounds! Really like a little dog! They mainly eat leaves and fruit, but also eat grains, flowers, eggs, young birds and even tree bark.


These adorable creatures are called little pandas. They are red raccoon-type animals. They are slightly larger than the average house cat. Like their cousins, they are also found in Asia in regions such as the eastern Himalayas. They also eat bamboo. In general, red pandas lead a solitary life, meaning they live alone, but when they are young, they form an attachment to their mother due to their slow growth.


This is probably my favorite animal on the list. They are nocturnal animals found in Southeast Asia. What is surprising is that this animal is very poisonous. It raises its hand to produce this venom and when it bites the victim, the venom enters the victim that way and can kill them. It is also considered a primate of the monkey family.

Just don’t tickle them!


This beauty is a wild cat originating from Africa. They eat small prey such as rodents, birds, reptiles, frogs and insects. To catch these animals, they jump into the air and pounce on their victims. I’m watching Planet Earth and can see this happening. They are very beautiful and have charming features. They also have very sensitive ears that can detect the smallest sounds.


This cute cat looks like Serval but has a rounder face and smaller size. They originate from Central and South America. They can even be found in the United States. They are nocturnal animals that use sight and hearing to hunt prey, including rabbits, rodents, iguanas, fish and frogs. I once saw one at the zoo and they were very beautiful animals.


These little rascals are members of the raccoon family. But unlike pandas, they sleep at night and hunt during the day. They are mainly found in South America. They are also omnivores, meaning they eat fruits, invertebrates, and other small animals. There are also four different species of coati mundi.


Capybara is the world’s largest rodent. It is similar in size to the Saint Bernard. They originate from South America. They are semi-aquatic, which means they love to swim! They spend most of their time near lakes and ponds. They are such delicious prey that they have learned to soak in water for 5 minutes to escape predators.


These interesting looking creatures are Pangolins. The scale-like things on their backs are large, protective scales that cover their skin. They are the only mammals with this feature – making them look like dinosaurs. Like anteaters, they eat ants and termites with their long, sticky tongues. And like armadillos, they can curl up into a ball when threatened. They are also nocturnal animals and feed at night.


This cool looking thing is actually a sea slug. It is a very small creature. It is called that because it is a mollusk with a soft body. It reminds me of the joke Marlin was trying to tell at the beginning of Finding Nemo: «this mollusk walked in…» LOL. It stings like a jellyfish, but it uses its own tissues as a defense mechanism.


These scaly creatures are found in forests from Nigeria to Western Kenya and other areas in Tanzania and Angola. It is an arboreal animal, meaning it lives in trees and can come in many different colors. There are many different subspecies of bush vipers. It is also a very poisonous snake. How is that an allusion!?

**If someone calls snakes poisonous, that’s not true. Venom is injected into the prey, while poison is when a human for example bites or touches the object to have an effect. The venom bites you and you bite the poison. Hope that clears it up a bit.

Please note that these animals are not your friends. Even though they are cute and you might want one, DON’T! They belong in the wild! And we must do everything in our power to keep it that way!

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