Admire the beauty of wild birds



It is the largest bird in the world. An ostrich can grow up to 2.4 meters tall and weigh up to 154 kg. Ostriches are one of the most adaptable birds. It lives in a variety of environments in Southwest Africa and has developed a complex social structure and reduced ability to fly. An ostrich only attacks if threatened and can kick hard enough to kill a lion. To distract enemies who want to attack the newly hatched chicks, the male ostrich will lure the enemy out of the forbidden area so that the mother ostrich can protect the chicks.

Inca Tern seabird


The Inca Tern seabird has a very funny white mustache and lives mainly in the seas of Peru and Chile. This bird has gray feathers and orange-yellow legs and beak. This seabird likes to hang out around the cool Humboldt River, which provides it with plenty of anchovies to eat. Both male and female birds have white mustaches. Currently, there are only about 150,000 of this bird left because their habitat is seriously threatened.

Tody bird (Todus mexican)


This beautiful little bird with a vivid green color usually lives in humid forests. It is locally known in Spanish as “San Pedrito” (“Little Saint Peter”). When you go into the forest on a sunny morning after the rain, you can see the Todys jumping around happily.

Parrot ka ka (New Zealand)


This large parrot lives in New Zealand. It can grow up to 44 cm long and weigh up to 400 grams. This parrot lives in many different forests, it nests in tree cavities. Its food is fruits, seeds and invertebrates. This bird can use its sharp beak to tear rotten wood to find food or break off a pine branch to get seeds. In recent years, deforestation and wildlife hunting are causing dangerous threats to this bird species.

Yellow-eared Toucanet


This colorful bird lives in the regions of South America, Central America, Colombia and Ecuador. They are omnivores: they eat insects, eggs and fruit. These birds can live up to 20 years in the wild. Carrara National Park, Cano Negro Wildlife Refuge, and Tortuguero National Park are other places where you can see these extraordinary birds any time of the year.

To distinguish a male from a female, pay attention to its feathers. The male has a yellow streak on each side of its head, the female does not. Another distinguishing feature is the color of its head. Females are rusty brown, while males are black.

Bat Falcon (Bat Falcon) "Bird

This bird inhabits tropical forest environments, primarily in Central America to South America, including parts of Argentina and Brazil. Its food is mainly raw meat. Therefore, small birds, chickens, pigs, goats, rabbits… all consider falcons to be scary predators. This bird often nests in cavities on cliffs. It has a wide wingspan and is the fastest in the animal kingdom, with downward throws reaching speeds of more than 322 km/h.

Aracari bird


This long-beaked Aracari bird lives in the humid forests of Costa Rica and Panama. It eats fruits, insect eggs, pigeon eggs, young pigeons and steals the nests of other birds to bring back to make its own nest.

Russet-naped Wood-Rail "Image:

This bird is a resident of wetlands, including swamp and mangrove forests that stretch from southern Mexico to northern Costa Rica. It is a “mysterious” bird that often hides in the dense vegetation that covers its habitat. Its time is spent foraging for light foods such as snails, berries and crustaceans.

Common Hoopoe’s "Bird

Ax-headed woodpeckers, also known as hatchet-headed woodpeckers, are small-sized birds, but they live widely distributed throughout Africa, Europe and Asia. They like to live in places with sparse vegetation, where they can easily catch prey and search for food on the ground. They also like places with steep earthen walls, walls, and tree trunks to build nests. Their outstanding characteristic is their prominent ax-shaped crest, this bird has been considered the national bird of Israel.

Depending on the subspecies around the world, the ax-headed woodpecker weighs from 50 – 90 grams. The ax-headed woodpecker has a long black beak with a light-colored base. This bird has a black and white stripe at the end of both wings, a special wing strip that helps the bird fly strong and have an undulating flight pattern like a butterfly. Their wingspan helps the hatchetheads climb quickly up vertical tree trunks, which helps them avoid predatory birds such as eagles or hawks.

Their main food is insects, small reptiles, amphibians or small wild fruits.

Macquarie – Island of penguin colonies

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