The sounds of birds singing mesmerize people

Common Sandpiper ( Turdus merula )

The common starling is native to Europe and Central Asia, but it was introduced to Australia in the 1850s. Only males of this species are black; Females have brown plumage. Most starlings are just under 10 inches (about 25 cm) long. They are usually monogamous and the females lay up to 24 eggs per year.


Wood mushroom ( Hylocichla mustelina )

Wood fungi are migratory, breeding in the forests of the eastern United States and southern Canada and wintering in Central America. Both sexes typically grow up to 8 inches (20 cm) long and have gray mottled fur with a rust-colored tip. Although wood thrushes find new mates each year, they are monogamous (one mate per season) and breed from mid-April to mid-May.


Yellow warbler ( Setophaga petechia , formerly Dendroica petechia )

Yellow warblers, sometimes mistakenly called wild canaries, breed over a large area of North America and spend the winter along the coast of Mexico south to South America north of the Equator. Most adults are about 4 to 7 inches (about 10 to 18 cm) long and both sexes are bright yellow with red or rusty brown streaks on the chest. Breeding pairs produce four or five eggs per year.


Common nightingale ( Luscinia megarhynchos )

The breeding range of the common nightingale extends from Portugal and Spain east to western Mongolia and from Northern Europe to Morocco and parts of Iran, where they prefer to nest in young trees in open habitats. habitat has little or no bushes. They spend the winter in tropical northern Africa. The common lark has brown upperparts and white to pale underparts. Most are 5.5 to 6.7 inches (14 to 17 cm) long, and males are slightly larger than females. Some studies note that older males can produce hundreds of song variations.


House sparrow ( Passer domesticus )

Although they are native to much of Eurasia and North Africa, house sparrows also thrive in southern Africa, Australia, and the Americas. This species is considered one of the most abundant and familiar birds in the world. Both sexes can reach up to 5.5 inches (14 cm) in length, and both have brown and black striped upperparts and light brown lower parts. However, breeding males also have black bibs. House sparrows can breed almost year-round in warm regions, and each nest they make of straw and feathers can contain 4 to 9 eggs.


Western meadow lark ( Sturnella neglect )

The Western Songbird is found throughout much of Western and Central North America. Although they breed in the northern United States and southern Canada, they also reside in southern states west of the Mississippi River, northern Mexico, and on the Hawaiian island of Kauai. This species is roughly the size of the American robin ( Turdus migratorius )—that is, about 10 inches (25 cm) long. Males are brown, black and buff with a prominent yellow chest accented with a black chevron. Breeding pairs produce one or two clutches of five or six eggs per year.


European starling ( Sturnus vulgaris )

Although the European starling is native to Eurasia, introduced populations also thrive throughout North America and South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and Argentina. These birds are about 8.5 inches (21.5 cm) long. Their fur is mainly black, with white or white-spotted upperparts and iridescence giving the fur purple and green hues. Starlings nest in natural cavities or holes in trees or buildings. Female starlings usually lay 4 to 6 eggs in a clutch.

According to popular legend, these birds were first introduced to North America in 1890 by bird enthusiast Eugene Schieffelin, who is said to have released 60 starlings into New York City’s Central Park. as part of an effort to introduce birds mentioned in William Shakespeare’s plays into the park. .


Summer tanning lotion ( Piranga rubra )

Summer tanagers are found in the Americas, breeding in the southern and southwestern United States and northern Mexico and migrating to southern Mexico, Central America, northern and western South America during the winter. These birds are about 6.7 inches (17 cm) long. Adult males are orange-red with red wings, while females are pale yellow to orange in color. Summer tanagers are typically monogamous and the female lays a clutch of three to four eggs each year.


Common Loon ( Gavia immer )

Common loons are native to northern North America, southern Greenland, Iceland, and Svalbard in Norway, and they spend the winter along the coasts of North America and Western Europe. They are large birds (adults can reach a length of 27.5 to 35.4 inches [70 to 90 cm]) and are known for their black head and bill, and a ring of black and white striped feathers around their neck. and a prominent feather. checkered pattern with black and white feathers on the back. Common loons are monogamous and they build large nests where breeding female loons lay a clutch of one to three eggs each year.


Eurasian magpie ( Pica pica )

Eurasian, or black-billed magpies, are native inhabitants of most of Eurasia. Its range extends from Western Europe east to the Kamchatka Peninsula and China and south to the Mediterranean coast of Europe, the Middle East and Pakistan. Adults are typically 18 inches (45 cm) long, and both sexes are black and white with iridescent blue wings and tail. Eurasian magpies feed on insects, seeds, small vertebrates, eggs and young of other birds, and fresh carcasses. They build a large round nest of tree branches plastered with mud.


Bobolink ( Dolichonyx oryzivorus )

With a breeding range spanning the northern continental United States and southern Canada, the bobolink is found in grasslands and wetlands throughout North America, the West Indies, and northwestern South America. Flocks of migrating birds can attack rice fields, and there have been times when plump “rice birds” have been shot as a delicacy on the dinner table. During the breeding season, the 7-inch (18 cm-) long male bobolink—named for its bubbly song—has a black underside, yellow hind neck, white back and rump, and white markings on the wings , while females are brown.


Northern mockingbird ( Mimus polyglottos )

The northern mockingbird’s geographic range includes the entire continental United States and most of Mexico and the Greater Antilles. It is known as a mimesis. In fact, it has been known to imitate the songs of 20 or more bird species within 10 minutes. Adults can grow up to 10.5 inches (about 27 cm) long, and they have gray feathers with darker wings and tail, both of which are white. Northern mockingbirds are typically monogamous and breeding pairs raise two to four broods, about four chicks per year.


Canary ( Serinus canaria )

Also known as the island, or Atlantic, canary, this bird is native to the Azores, Madeira and the Canary Islands of the Atlantic Ocean. It generally has a yellow body and dark wings and can grow to about 8 inches (20.3 cm) long. Domesticated versions of this species have been cross-bred with several other finch species to create new varieties. The average lifespan of a caged canary is 10 to 15 years, although some can survive more than 20 years.


Sparrow song ( Melospiza melodia )

The song range of sparrows covers most of North America. It breeds in Canada and the northern border states of the United States and overwinters in the southern and central United States and northern Mexico. Adults typically grow to 4.7 to 6.7 inches (12 to 17 cm) long. They have a gray and brown striped head, a white throat, a striped upper body, and a white lower body with brown striped sides and chest. They are typically monogamous and breeding females will produce a clutch of three to five eggs per year.


Zebra finch ( Taeniopygia guttata )

Zebra finches are found throughout Australia and the smaller Sunda Islands of the Indonesian archipelago. These birds are typically about 4 to 4.3 inches (10 to 11 cm) long. Males have black and white stripes on the tail and throat, orange patches on the cheeks, and a bright red bill, while females are usually gray with an orange bill. Zebra finches are monogamous and they breed continuously all year round. Females lay four to six eggs per clutch.


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