Unveiling the World’s Most Unusual Creatures – Exclusive Encounters on Impressive Edge”

Nature has so many wonderful things, including 10 species of animals that when you see them, you’ll think they’re in a fairy tale!

>>> 10 animals with superhuman abilities

1. Wild dog Dhole

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The Dhole dog is a special breed of fox that lives in South and Southeast Asia. The Dhole dog is one of the breeds with the best pack organization. They live in large herds and when hunting they will separate into small groups, so they “act” never alone to achieve the greatest strength. They often chase their prey until they are exhausted, then freely pounce and devour it. With the united strength of these Dhole dogs, they are not only dangerous to humans but they are also “interested” in larger prey such as bears, water buffalos or even ferocious tigers.

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Babirusa, which in the local language means “deer-pig” , belongs to a species of wild boar found on some Indonesian islands. If these Babirusa boars do not sharpen their fangs, naturally, the fangs will grow out and pierce their skulls.

3. Pink Fairy Armadillo – Pink Fairy Armadillo

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Armadillo – a shelled animal – this “special edition” wears a pink coat and is only 8-11cm long (including tail). They are capable of burying themselves in the ground in just a few seconds if they feel scared. The Red Fairy Armadillo is a nocturnal animal that digs small holes around ant nests. They live mainly and ants and ant eggs accidentally enter these holes. With their claws, they can split sand and swim underwater like a torpedo with armor on their head and back.

4. Fossa Wildcat

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The Fossa wildcat is a carnivore endemic to the Madagascar region. The Fossa wildcat is the largest carnivore of Madagascar and is often compared to the small American leopard. They have sharp claws and flexible knee joints that help them climb tree trunks easily and even jump from tree to tree.

5. The Shrew “naked”

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Animals have many important attributes to humans. First, this “naked” shrew is immune to cancer. The lifespan of this animal is up to 28 years – this is truly incredible for mammals. Plus, it hasn’t aged much in its 28 years of age. Young, strong, and resilient all day long are the top attributes of this wonderful animal. This type of shrew is often used by humans to research the preparation of cancer drugs and research on aging. Not only is it a strange animal with a somewhat “horror” appearance, the “naked” shrew is also an animal that plays an important role for humans.

6. Mountain goat

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The Markhor (Capra falconeri) is a large wild goat found in northeastern Afghanistan, Gilgit-Baltistan, Hunza-Nagar Valley, northern and central Pakistan and the disputed territory of Kashmir, southern Tajikistan and the south. Uzbekistan. Markhor is the national animal of Pakistan.

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The cave man was discovered in the southeast Pacific Ocean in March 2005. The Latin name is Kiwa hirsuta, from Kiwa, the goddess of crustaceans in the Polynesian mythology of Easter Island. But scientists call it “Yeti squatting lobster” . “It was identified as a hexapod (5 pairs of legs) belonging to the Anomura family… However, this animal is distinguished by its lack of eyes.” “The entire surface of the legs is covered with oddly long hairs.”

8. Snub-nosed monkey

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The snub-nosed monkey (scientific name: Rhinopithecus avunculus) is one of 25 primate species at risk of extinction globally and is endemic to Asia. Snub-nosed monkeys have dark brown fur. The fur on the head and around the face is pale white. There is no crest of feathers on the top of the head.

The habitat of the snub-nosed monkey is somewhat more diverse than that of other langur species. They are more common in high tree areas on dirt mountains and valleys than in rocky mountain forests. The hillside areas at the foot of the mountains have mixed forests of wood and bamboo.

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