A new species of bird was discovered by scientists in 2023

In 2015, many previously unknown bird species were discovered by scientists in many parts of the world. Sci-News page introduces some typical new bird species.


"""Bird"" Sichuan bush warbler (Locustella Chengi) – Photo: Sci-News

Sichuan bush warbler : Scientific name Locustella Chengi. Belongs to the Locustellidae family, a family of insectivorous birds. It is a relatively small bird with an average length of 13 cm and weight of 10 grams. The wings are 5.5 cm long, the tail is 5.7 cm long and live hidden in dense tea gardens.


This species is endemic to China, habitats in Shaanxi, Sichuan, Guizhou, Hubei and northwestern Hunan.

Desert Owl : Strix hadorami is the name of this species of owl, discovered in the Middle East. It is 30 – 33 cm long and weighs 140 – 220 grams.

""Sa This bird lives in the eastern desert of Egypt, from Wadi Rabbit, near the border with Sudan, north to Mons Porphyrites, northwest of the port of Hurghada, as well as the Sinai desert, it is also present in the central and southern. northern Saudi Arabia, seemingly throughout Yemen, and east to southwestern Oman Dhofar.

Little blue penguin (Fairy) in Australia : It is only about 30 cm tall and weighs an average of 1.15 kg. This species is widely distributed in Australia – from Western Australia along the southern coast of Australia to New South Wales.


Cape parrot, South Africa: Scientific name Poicephalus robustu. Identified as endemic to South Africa.


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