The golden phoenix is a beautiful bird that many people keep as pets

The sudden appearance of the “golden phoenix”

In 1983, Guo Ton Toa, 29 years old, was from Shanxi, China, born into a family of forest keepers. At the age of 29, Quach Ton Toa did not pursue urban pleasures but chose to follow in his parents’ footsteps as a companion to wild animals and trees. Up to that point, he had been a ranger for 8 years.

Đem “phượng hoàng vàng” về nuôi, người đàn ông vừa khoe ảnh thì chuyên gia tìm tới tận nhà - Ảnh 1.

One day, a “golden phoenix” suddenly appeared near Quach Ton Toa’s house. (Photo: Sohu)

One day, as usual, Quach Ton Toa was walking around the forest when he suddenly heard a strange noise coming from behind the house. This noise only happened occasionally, the man thought perhaps there was a small animal stalking him. Thinking of this, Quach Ton Toa quickly ran around the back of the house and gently pushed the tree branch aside to scare the animal. Unexpectedly, the scene before his eyes made him extremely surprised. This was the first time in his life he saw such a strange bird.

The bird that Quach Ton Toa saw had colorful feathers . When the sunlight shone in, the feathers reflected the light, making his eyes dazzle. After calming down, the man suddenly remembered the “golden phoenix” that his father often mentioned but had never seen, so he was very happy. Quach Ton Toa immediately ran into the house to get rice to feed the birds. The “golden phoenix” seemed to understand that he would not harm it, so he confidently rushed in to eat. Even before leaving, it turned back to look at the young man and let out a strange cry.

Đem “phượng hoàng vàng” về nuôi, người đàn ông vừa khoe ảnh thì chuyên gia tìm tới tận nhà - Ảnh 2.

Some time later, the golden phoenix came to the man’s house to get more food. (Photo: Sohu)

6 years have passed, and the “golden phoenix” not only came alone but also called his fellow humans to come and eat food. In Quach Ton Toa’s memory, every time they visited his house there were at least 10 people.

The unexpected origin of the “golden phoenix”

In 1989, Quach Ton Toa showed off a photo of a golden phoenix to his friends when something unexpected happened. It is unclear how information about these phoenixes reached zoological experts. A team of experts immediately went to his house. At this time, the true identity of the “golden phoenix” has been determined. It turned out to be 7 yellow pheasants. A nationally protected wild animal in China. After learning about their origin, Quach Ton Toa was even more determined to take better care of them for conservation.

Đem “phượng hoàng vàng” về nuôi, người đàn ông vừa khoe ảnh thì chuyên gia tìm tới tận nhà - Ảnh 3.

Turns out, those “golden phoenixes” are the rare yellow 7-colored pheasant. (Photo: Sohu)

Yellow pheasant 7 is a species of bird in the Phasianidae family. In Vietnam, people often call it “Japanese pheasant” but actually this species of pheasant originates from Western China. Small populations of pheasants are also found in Ireland, Northern Scandinavia, Northern and Southern Iberian Peninsula, Italy and Southern Greece.

For a long time, the 7-color golden pheasant has been compared to the phoenix and chosen as a pet because it has colorful plumage, with golden patches covering from the top of the head to the base of the tail; In particular, the neck and wings are intertwined with many characteristic compartments with black, yellow, and purple feathers: while the chest and abdomen are completely covered with bright red feathers. The yellow 7 pheasant, thanks to its colorful plumage, is considered the most beautiful pheasant breed compared to other pheasant breeds in Asia and is also very valuable. Asians often believe that yellow pheasants can bring good luck because of their special feather color. Depending on the age, color, and shape of each bird, prices vary.

Đem “phượng hoàng vàng” về nuôi, người đàn ông vừa khoe ảnh thì chuyên gia tìm tới tận nhà - Ảnh 4.

The 7-yellow pheasant is likened to a phoenix because of its beautiful plumage. (Photo: Sohu)

The seven-colored yellow pheasant has a body length of 80 cm to 100 cm. Male bird tail feathers are usually 70cm to 100cm long on average. They are birds that can fly very well but prefer to move around every day and forage on the ground. Only when sleeping do they perch on tree branches.

They often live concentrated at an altitude of 2,500 meters above sea level. The area where they live is full of shrubs and bud forests. Their food in the wild is mainly leaves, young shoots and bamboo shoots. They also eat insects and many small animals…

Currently, Mr. Quach Toa Ton has built a sanctuary dedicated to his 7 golden pheasants to serve tourists and visitors. And thanks to these “golden phoenixes”, his family’s income also increased significantly.


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