The most interesting creatures you don know about

While living in East Africa, wildlife photographer Paul Joynson-Hicks was looking through his photos one day and came across some that made him laugh.

From that morning of laughter was born the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards in Paul’s tiny office on the slopes of Mount Meru in northern Tanzania.

“A funny animal photo is incredibly effective because there are no barriers to understanding or taboos to negotiate,” says the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards. ‘To truly understand animals and the issues that affect them, you need to empathize with them as fellow inhabitants of the planet.’

Some of the finalists were selected from over 7,000 entries received for this year’s Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards.


An article from India: Greek Stylist by Gurumoorthy K.


Monday Morning by Andrew Mayes.


Axel Bocker with ‘Don’t Worry. Be happy!


IMAGE: ‘Shh! I’m so drunk, it hurts so much.”


Italic article by Andy Parkinson.


‘Dancing Away to Glory’ by Sarosh Lodhi.


‘Cotton Eyed Joe’ by Rick Elieson.


Patrick Dirlam Did I say you could take my picture?’


Mattias Hammar’s Welcome to Nature!’


Mr Giggles by Martina Novotna.


‘Missed’ by Lea Scaddan.


‘Quarantine Life’ by Kevin Biskaborn.


It’s time for Chee Kee Teo’s school.


‘See who can jump high’ by Chi Han Lin.


Jan Piecha with ‘Chinese Whispers’.


Brook Burling with ‘Foot Jam’.


Siddhant Agrawal with ‘Smoked Deer for Dinner’.


Dawn Wilson with ‘Shaking Off 2020’.


Dikky Oesin with ‘Yes, I did it’.


IMAGE: ‘The Laughing Snake’ by Aditya Kshirsagar.

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