Top 10 rare bird species are on the verge of disappearing from the ecosystem

Top 10 rarest bird species in the world

There are many rare bird species in the world that create diversity and richness for the animal world and the biological world in particular. Not only do they have… unique and strange shapes, but they are also extremely rare in the world. For many scientists, hunting for photos of them is a tiring process. Next, let’s learn about this bird.

  1. The red-headed crane , also known as the bare-necked crane, is a subspecies of the red-headed crane. This is a rare bird subspecies in southern Vietnam, listed in the Vietnam Red Book and the world IUCN Red Book.

    Among flying birds, red-crowned cranes are the birds with the highest flying ability. They have an omnivorous diet, able to eat rough foods commonly found in swamps and shallow waters such as roots, tubers, insects, crustaceans and some small mammals. Adult Eastern Sarus Cranes are about 150–180 cm tall; Its wingspan is 220–250 cm and it has an average weight of 8–10 kg, making it the largest of the crane family.

    In Vietnam, in recent years, Sarus Cranes have returned to the vast Dong Thap Muoi region because the wetland habitat here has been restored close to its previous natural conditions, helping to restore food sources for animals. they. grow again. Every year, about 20 individuals appear in this area.

    Red-crowned crane
    Red-crowned crane
  2. The Boar Owl is a species of owl in the Barn Owl family. The forehead, top of the head and facial disc of adult birds are reddish brown or purple brown. The fur around the eyes is plum colored, the neck is white with dark purple brown and black tips.

    The rest of the coat is generally brown with scattered small black spots. The tail is tawny brown with horizontal black stripes. Dark brown eyes, tawny yellow beak, brown or yellow-brown legs. This bird species is included in the Vietnam Red Book, has very high aesthetic and floral value, is a precious genetic resource, and has a rare number of individuals.

    Wild boar owl
    Wild boar owl
  3. The New Zealand night parrot, also known as the kakapo parrot or owl parrot, is a species of bird in the Strigopidae family. This is a flightless parrot endemic to New Zealand.

    This species is currently extremely rare and endangered; as of February 2012, only 126 individuals were known. First of all, because they only live in old forests in New Zealand, secondly, because there are not many of them left (it can be said that the number of individuals of the current kakapo species can be counted on the fingers of one hand). ), so this species is very little known. arrive.

    Currently, the two major Fiordland islands, Resolution and Secretariat, are the subject of large-scale ecological restoration activities aimed at preparing self-sustaining ecosystems with suitable habitats for the Kakapo.

    New Zealand night parrot
    New Zealand night parrot
  4. Hawaii’s palila population is predicted to plummet 97% over the next 14 years. Habitat loss, cat predation and drought have contributed to the continued decline of this Hawaiian bird.

    Palila bird
    Palila bird
  5. A photo of two orange-bellied parrots has been used as a symbol for the list of critically endangered migratory birds. These small parrots live only in southwestern Tasmania and migrate to southeastern Australia in winter.

    Orange-bellied parrot
    Orange-bellied parrot
  6. The Asian ibis once thrived in Russia, Japan and China, but its population has dropped to about 250 individuals in China. The cause is illegal hunting and serious destruction of their habitat.

    Ibis stork
  7. Currently, there are only 2,500 individuals left of this bird species in Russia and China. Therefore, they are extremely rare because they are currently facing a very high risk of extinction due to habitat loss and illegal hunting.

    fish scale bird
    fish scale bird
  8. Hummingbird photo taken in Honduras. The population of this species is also plummeting due to habitat loss.

    Honduran emerald hummingbird
    Honduran emerald hummingbird
  9. This photo captures a Christmas Island warbird flying over the Indian Ocean. Bird species found on the territory of Christmas Island are gradually disappearing due to habitat loss, phosphate mining, marine pollution and overfishing.

    Christmas Island warbird
  10. This beautiful and powerful bird is also on the list of protected species. The sport of hunting has put it on the red list.

    Indian ostrich

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