Lily of the valley, care and properties of the plant

Botanical properties


Common name Maiden lily, lily of the valley, spider lily, large lily of the valley
plant name Asian royal virgin
Family Family Amaryllidaceae
Type of tree Perennial bulbs
Adult size 4-6 feet tall, same size
Bask Full sun to partial shade
Soil type The soil is moist, well-drained, and rich in organic matter
Soil pH 5.0 – 8.0
bloom time Summer
Flower color White, sometimes with pink spots
Hardness zone 7 to 11
Native region Asia, Australia, Africa and America
Toxicity All parts of this plant are poisonous
Maiden lily has beautiful spider web-shaped flowers. PHOTO © HIMANSHU SARPOTDAR/FLICKR

How to care for Crinum lilies

Mimosa lilies are summer-flowering perennials that adapt well and grow easily in dry or soggy soil. Their easygoing nature makes them easy to care for, and although they are known to grow vigorously indefinitely, they are not winter-hardy plants. They may die in the cold winter, but underground bulbs help them come back to life in the warmer seasons. For colder climates, consider growing plants in containers that can be dug up and brought indoors for overwintering.


Crinum Lily loves sunshine. But it will accept partial shade, especially during the hottest part of the day. It can burn leaves if the sunlight is particularly intense.

Most people will find that six to eight hours of sunlight is perfect for optimal plant growth. If you’re in a hot climate, consider four to six hours of direct sun and a few hours of partial shade.


The ideal soil for your lily of the valley should be moist but well-drained. It must be rich in organic matter and fertile. Although this plant can also grow in poor soil, it will grow vigorously with this mixture.


Mimosa lilies grow best in locations that are watered regularly. Pond borders and poolside locations are popular. But don’t limit them to those areas. If you water regularly, you can place these all over your yard.

Although lilies can tolerate infrequent watering, they will not grow as fast. Short-term droughts are okay, as long as they don’t last more than a few days to a week at most. These may require more water during the hottest times of the year.

If there are puddles or muddy ground, wait for the water to drain and the soil to partially dry. Excess water can cause bulbs to develop rotting problems.

Temperature and humidity

In cooler climates, this plant should be brought indoors before cooler weather arrives. When temperatures drop below 40°F at night, you risk leaves being damaged by the cold. These plants are completely frost intolerant and the first frost often causes the foliage to die off.



Consider using a balanced, slow-release granular fertilizer. Spread this in early spring, early summer and early fall around the base of the tree. Work gently into the soil. This will be a rich source of food for your plants.

If you prefer liquid fertilizer, choose a liquid fertilizer that is half the strength. From spring to summer, fertilize monthly. Fertilize only once in early fall and skip the winter completely.


Crinum latifolium lilies have a long tradition in the Southern United States as a travel flower thanks to their resilience when dividing branches. You can dig and divide the bulbs as beginners or when they are fully grown. Individual clusters and bulbs can be quite large, so you should dig up and divide the outermost bulbs of the cluster unless you have a backhoe.

Pot and repot chaste lily

Chaste tree tolerates a wide range of soil types, from wet to well-drained to dry (although blooms are often spurred by downpours in spring and summer). Many chaste trees grow into extremely large clusters of tubers to store food.

This means they can weather prolonged drought and complete neglect and then bloom when conditions improve. It also means that, unlike most plants, you can dig, transplant, share (and transport) boxwoods at any time without killing them.


Prepare your plants for winter if you live in USDA Zones 8 or 9. If you don’t experience frequent frosts and freezers, you can simply cut back the leaves when the weather cools and add mulch to protect the bulbs. However, if your area regularly experiences below-freezing temperatures, consider moving the plant indoors as it does not tolerate hard frost. To move the plant indoors, pull out the bulb and place the plant in a pot slightly larger than the bulb. Add soil and keep it indoors with plenty of light during the coldest months of the year. You can also remove the outermost leaves on the bulb to avoid the plant taking up too much space.

Removing the outermost leaves of bulbs moved indoors can be really helpful. This helps the tree not take up too much space.


Common pests and diseases in plants

Some types of grasshoppers, especially eastern grasshoppers, can become a problem. These hungry little pests will eat up the leaves of your plants. To combat these, use bacillus thurigiensis spray or powder. The grasshopper will not survive.

Some types of mealybugs find tuberose appetizing. A good neem oil spray will have a deterrent effect. Insecticidal soap may also be helpful if they are persistent.

Nematodes, especially root-knot nematodes, can become a problem. Use beneficial nematodes to fight these bad forms. These beneficial substances will also protect your plants from a variety of other problems.

Ultimately, those long leaves attract both slugs and snails. Not only do they provide daytime cover for slimes to hide in, but they also taste delicious. Apply organic slug and snail bait around the plants to lure them out and kill them.

How to make Crinum lilies bloom

Crinums grow best in warmer USDA Zones, including USDA Zones 7-11. However, there are some Crinum species that can survive cold winters. The hardiest variety, Crinum latifolium , shown below, is fully hardy in USDA Zone 6A, and is reported to survive temperatures of -20°F. However, it is recommended to plant them 18 inches deep in this area.


In other places, choose a sunny place with good soil to plant. Find the area where the plant changes color from white to green, called the bulb’s neckline. Use the neckline to help determine the depth of the hole; The hole you dig should be 6 inches deeper than the neckline. Place the bulb in the bottom of the hole and cover it with soil.

Common problems with Crinum lilies

As I mentioned above, plants grown in hot conditions can burn their leaves. Although not common, it does occur when temperatures peak in mid to late summer. If you have a large tree, a few scorched leaves won’t do you any harm. But if it is young, this can be a problem. Try to place the plant in a spot that gets afternoon shade if you’re in a hot climate.

If you water too much, you may see the bulbs begin to rot. They are able to tolerate excess water to some extent, but will eventually succumb. Make sure your soil is well-drained to prevent this problem by adding sand or perlite.

If the leaf tips start to turn brown this is usually a sign of too little water. Make sure your soil moisture is appropriate. Mulching around plants can help keep the soil moist for longer periods of time.

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