15+ cute and adorable baby nail designs


It doesn’t matter what breed they are: dogs are the most gentle and loving creatures in the world, and the best companions and confidants. That’s why we always want to have them by our side. And if you can’t bring your pet to the office in the flesh, maybe a cute drawing of it on your nails can make you feel better.

These designs are made specifically for girls who love cute dogs and want to let everyone know. If you’re one of them, maybe they’ll be the inspiration for your next appointment with your nail technician.

1. Bring his portrait


2. Watch whenever you want


3. They always leave their mark


4. They are pure love


5. And the most beautiful gift


6. They are full of surprises


7. And gentle


8. They are the funniest people


9. His affection makes you feel happy


10. Any shape, race or size


11. They are close friends


12. Here’s a simple reminder


13. That you have someone waiting for you


14. And he loves you very much


15. Like you with him


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