The mysteries of a very special bird with a solid black face, black and white streaks and a prominent pointed crest!

A very special bird with a solid black face, black and white markings, and a prominent pointed crest!

Meet the black-crested Tit-Tyrant


The black-crested tit or Marañón tyrant (Anairetes nigrocristatus) is a bird with a black upper body and a narrow white band below. There are also two white wing bars, formed by the broad white tips of the wing coverts. The tail is black with white tips, the outer feathers also have white edges. The underparts, throat, breast and flanks are covered with black and white bands, while the belly and undertail are cream to pale yellow. The head is black with a large white patch on the top and nape. Growing from the base of the bill are elongated crown feathers that form a V-shaped crest. The beak is bright orange, the eyes are brown, and the legs and feet are black.


Females have similar plumage, but the comb is shorter and the forehead is duller black. The remaining black and white model looks darker. Her beak is usually black with a yellow-orange underside.

The juvenile has a shorter crest and its crown is darker than white.


These birds are found in Ecuador and Peru.


The Black-crested Tit-Tyrant prefers to live in or around brushy and wooded areas. It can also be seen in dense vegetation along streams or bordering ravines.


Screenshot by YouTube/Lost City Birds

The Black-crested Tit-Tyrant is an insectivorous bird that feeds by flying from stem to stem, catching prey from leaves and twigs, and sometimes catching them while flying on the wing.


The breeding season of Black-crested Tit is from June to July when both parents build nests and incubate eggs. However, women are much more active in both of these roles. She lays 2 to 6 eggs with an incubation period of 12 to 16 days. The chicks are fed by both parents and fledge after 12 to 24 days.


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