rescuing a rare species of turtle that is on the verge of extinction because the fisherman who caught it was saved by a kind-hearted scientist

Family pets like cats and dogs can change their lives forever if they are rescued in time. When they are trying to survive, saviors will come and give them a second chance in life. Is there anything more precious?


Image credit: Arron Culling

These animals do not need to be rescued, but many wild animals and marine creatures also wait for human concer’s help. They can go to the black market to buy food or the local market to buy food. We cannot change the world but we can afford to give back to the community. Small actions have a huge impact when everyone works together.

This is the case with Arron Culling, a funny map from Greymouth, New Zealand. He and his colleagues changed the fate of two sea turtles in Papua New Guinea. These creatures would have been served as a delicious meal if it weren’t for the two people who came to help them.


Image credit: Arron Culling

As you may know, sea turtle fishing remains a legal activity around the world. In Papua New Georgia, coastal communities harvest turtles for their meat and shells.

What did Arroп and his friends do? They bought the freedom of those two adorable turtles for less than $40 USD. They will release them. The two drove 5km and then released the turtles where they belonged – the sea.


Image credit: Arron Culling

These two turtles are not the first turtles I have rescued. They bought and released about 10.

Arronп later shared photos of his rescue surgery on social media. It has garnered millions of likes and shares worldwide. He hopes that these will raise people’s awareness about the dire situation of sea turtles. Six of the world’s seven species of sea turtles are classified as viable or viable species.


Image credit: Arron Culling

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