65+Make your beloved friend or loved one feel good and suggest him a soulmate matching couple tattoo

Make your beloved friend or loved one feel good and suggest him a matching soulmate couple tattoo. Choose one of the 60+ ideas we’ve listed in our article.


A tattoo is not only a beautiful design on the body, but also a very symbolic and meaningful reflection of certain events and emotions of the owner. That’s because some people want to share its value with those closest to them. There’s nothing more perfect for such a situation than soulmate matching couple tattoos.

However, there are many couple tattoo designs that have different meanings. Since we have selected over 60 soulmate matching tattoo designs with their exact interpretations, you will be able to choose the best one for you.

But before choosing matching couple tattoo ideas for your soulmate, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list of their matches.

Start our detailed and extensive review now!

Is it a good idea to get matching couple tattoos with your soulmate?


The question of whether couple tattoos are appropriate or not always causes much controversy in society. Usually, the answer depends on the personal moral values and beliefs of the person who wants a soulmate tattoo. We believe that such designs do not contain anything evil, but on the contrary, strengthen the emotional bond between loved ones.

It is not recommended to tattoo other people’s names, other than children’s names, as there are many different situations in which your relationship with a person can end. You will then have to remove the tattoo or cover it with a new design. In this case, you should only tattoo the names of the couple that matches your soulmate if you are confident in relationships.

Who should consider Soulmate matching couple tattoos?


From the name “soul couple tattoo” it immediately becomes clear that such designs should be for two people. However, you shouldn’t offer to get a tattoo for someone you don’t know well because they may take it lightly and think you’re too emotional.

You should be on the same wave as a person and know him as well as he knows himself to reveal the symbolism of the design. Below, we list the best candidates for soulmate matching couple tattoos:

Brothers and sisters; Twin; Best friends; Boyfriend and girlfriend; Couples.

60+ Matching Soulmate Couple Tattoos With Meanings


Choosing the right couple tattoo ideas for your soulmate can be a bit difficult because it can be difficult to stop at just one inscription or symbol that emphasizes your close relationship. First of all, you should consider iconic designs that only you and your soulmate can interpret.

If you can’t decide which design to choose, check out the 60+ soulmate matching couple tattoo ideas we’ve listed below.

Note: Along with choosing an idea, you should look at the list of the best tattoo artists nearby who will turn any design into reality.

For best friends


A friend is an important person in everyone’s life. For many, they become family. Soulmate couple tattoos are a great opportunity to mark the devotion and value of that friendship on the body. Designs can be completely identical or complement each other.

Most often, the appearance of a couple tattoo with a friend is influenced by:

Friends’ interests; Characteristics of their relationship; Common interests of friends; Situations and stories experienced together.

for twins


It is an indisputable fact that twins are connected by a special bond. It is certainly one of the greatest bonds, starting from birth until the end of life. Couple tattoos for twins will never lose their relevance because these close people are related by blood and they will always be together, just like the tattoos will always be on their bodies.

Usually, double tattoos are completely identical or are created as two halves of one whole. Sometimes you can literally find a design of one half (1/2) and the second half (2/2) complements it. It’s a very interesting and deeply meaningful idea for a couple tattoo.

For boyfriends & girlfriends


As a suitable tattoo design for boyfriends and girlfriends, there are many ideas, symbols and scenes from books, movies or even songs.

An example is the Beauty/Beast text on a girl and a boy, respectively. Such a design will emphasize the specificity of your relationship, in which you reveal each other’s potential.

For Couples


The most popular ideas for couple tattoos are inscriptions or symbols on the ring finger. Such designs repeat the shape of the ring and emphasize the bond of lovers. This design means that a person is willing to do anything for the person he loves.

Infinity sign


Matching soulmate couple tattoos with the infinity sign have one of the most symbolic meanings:

∞ Endless love;∞ Eternal memory and devotion;∞ Deep gratitude for feelings and actions.

Such designs can also be supplemented with dates, names, heart diagrams, hearts and other elements that are important to you.



Matching tattoos with initials will look concise and aesthetic because when looking at them, you can immediately see the feelings that people have for each other.

You can complement the design with infinity symbols, rings, hearts and other elements to add more meaning to the idea.



A date is the perfect idea for a soulmate couple tattoo. Because for others it will just be a set of random numbers, but for you, it is a memory of an important event.

Such designs are often seen on the inside of the fingers and wrists. These places are not immediately visible to others, so they can hide your ideas from prying eyes.



Couple anchor tattoos are one of the most iconic designs because of the meaning behind this idea:

Regular; Loyalty; Relationship stability.

Most often, this design is applied to the wrist, ring finger or forearm.



Soulmate tattoos combined with crowns represent the king and queen, symbolizing love, loyalty and depth of affection.

In addition, this symbol also has other meanings:

Leadership; Richness; Reputation; Respect.



The inscription is the only element in this soulmate matching couple tattoo design, so you need to choose it very carefully. It can be a phrase, the meaning of which only you will understand, a quote, etc. Below, we list 5 interesting inscriptions to match a couple tattoo:

I live – I love; Be with your lover forever; Everlasting love; The mind is not wrong; Love saves.



The heart is the embodiment of love and romance. The meaning of a couple tattoo with this symbol will emphasize the passion and spark in your relationship. Furthermore, you can tattoo half a heart, which when connected will form a complete symbol.



Half an avocado is a unique and versatile design that will suit best friends and couples alike. Moreover, if you want to emphasize your love for another person, avocado will be one of the best options, because this word is translated from Spanish as “fruit of love”.

In addition, avocado tattoos suitable for soulmate couples also have the following meanings:

Love; Fertility; Youth.



Couple rose tattoos are often done by couples as a symbol of their devotion and eternal love.

An interesting idea can be a flower tattoo for one person and its imprint for another. This design can symbolize the soul kinship of lovers and complement each other.

The rose symbol has the following meanings:

Passion; Sensuality; Expect.



Yin and yang are symbols of world harmony. Accordingly, couple tattoos with this sign will emphasize harmony in relationships, complement each other and constantly develop.

In addition, the yin and yang symbol also has the following meanings:

Balance; Persist; Power; Brave.



A soulmate couple tattoo combined with a feather has a very beautiful meaning. Such a sign will be for those who are sure that they have met their soul mate, with whom they are ready to spend their whole life. Additionally, a feather means that the person wearing it is part of the same whole as another person who has received a second sign.

In addition, feather tattoos also have the following meanings:

The great; Royalties; Originality; Confidence; High spirituality.

Mickey & Minnie Mouse


The relationship between Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse has always been easy, gentle and trustworthy. Accordingly, the couple receiving tattoos with these characters will emphasize precisely these features of the couple’s relationship.

In addition, the Mickey and Minnie Mouse symbols also have other meanings:

Insensitivity; Easygoing attitude towards life; Wishing to return to childhood.

Sun Moon


The moon and sun couple tattoos are very symbolic. It has long been believed that the sun is masculine and the moon is feminine. Together, these two symbols represent harmony and balance in relationships.

In addition, moon and sun tattoos also have the following meanings:

️ Life energy;️ Light;️ Good;️ Mystery;️ Magic;️ Soothing.



Ring finger tattoos are an unusual way to maintain your relationship and marriage. You can use elaborate or tribal designs as they allow for unique ideas.

Couple tattoos wearing rings on their fingers have the following meanings:

True love; Loyalty to life; Unite; Reverence; Protection.



Key and lock tattoos mean that a person has found a way to reach out to others, literally opening his soul to himself. Therefore, the key symbol must belong to the person initiating the relationship.

Additionally, such a design symbolizes loyalty and devotion towards others in the same way that a key can only fit into one lock.

In addition, key and lock tattoos also have the following meanings:

Power of will; Steadfast personality; Longevity.



Soulmate couple tattoos combined with puzzles are another design that means people complement each other. It can also symbolize complexity and the gradual development of relationships that take place like a process of folding puzzles.

The puzzle symbol also has the following meanings:

Mystery; Secret; Compatibility.



If you and your soulmate want a small couple tattoo design, you can choose a minimalist idea. These can be emojis, lines, hearts, and any other small symbols that are important to you.

The curve symbol has the following meaning:

Protection from the evil eye; The stability; Calculate cycles.



Couple arrow tattoos are associated with the symbol Cupid, the ancient Roman god of love. His arrows made one person fall in love with another. Therefore, this tattoo design symbolizes love at first sight and long-lasting, strong relationships.

In addition, arrow tattoos also have the following meanings:

Sharpness of thought; Fort important location; Patience; Optional.



Soulmate couple tattoos are an opportunity to emphasize the specialness and strength of your feelings for another person. If you feel you are on the same wave as your friend, sibling, twin, boyfriend or girlfriend, you can invite him to get such a design.

However, there are so many such ideas that it is difficult to choose one of them. So we’ve collected over 60 soulmate matching couple tattoo designs, letting you know whether it’s a good idea or not and who should get it.

‍‍ Let’s ride the same wave with your soulmate!

Frequently asked questions

What does it mean when a couple has the same tattoo?

When a couple gets matching tattoos, they want to record their feelings for each other, an important event or the beginning of a new stage in their relationship.

Should couples get matching tattoos?

The choice of getting a couple tattoo or not is completely up to you. It is important to clarify that tattooing a person’s name is undesirable because he may become a stranger to you and such a design is undesirable.

️ What do sun and moon tattoos mean for couples?

Soulmate couple tattoos combined with the sun and moon symbolize balance and harmony in relationships.

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