40 Feng Shui full back tattoos for believers

Full back tattoo according to feng shui

How to choose a full back tattoo according to feng shui

Full back tattoos according to feng shui are increasingly popular because they carry good meanings about health, work and love. Here is how to choose a beautiful and feng shui back tattoo that you can refer to:

Full back tattoo designs according to feng shui

Người mệnh Hỏa hợp với hình xăm rắn

People with the Fire element are compatible with snake tattoos

Feng shui tattoos for the Fire element : The Fire element is fire, hot nature, so it is suitable for tattoos with red, purple, orange colors and tattoos related to snakes, sun, peony, etc.

Người mệnh Mộc nên xăm hình cây cối hoặc con vật

People with the Wood element should get tattoos of trees or animals

Feng shui tattoos for the Wood element : The Wood element has the characteristics of trees, so it is suitable for tattoos with black, blue, white, metallic colors and avoids colors of the Fire element. People of the Wood element should choose tattoos of trees or animals.

Người mệnh Kim nên xăm hình con hạc

People with the Metal element should get a crane tattoo

Feng shui tattoos for the Metal element: People with the Metal element are suitable for yellow, white or brown colors and tattoos of phoenixes, cranes, crosses,…

Người mệnh Thủy nên chọn hình xăm liên quan đến nước

People with the Water element should choose tattoos related to water

Feng shui tattoos for the Water element : Water means water, so people with the Water element will be suitable for tattoos related to rivers, seas and the colors bone green and black, and avoid colors belonging to the Fire element.

Người mệnh Thổ thích hợp với hình xăm cá chép, rồng, phượng hoàng

People of the Earth element are suitable for carp, dragon, and phoenix tattoos

Feng shui tattoos for people with the Earth element : Earth means earth, so people with the Earth element will be suitable with gold, yellow-brown, brown, red, pink, gray and tattoos of dragons, carp, phoenix…

Full back tattoo designs according to feng shui

Hình xăm mèo thần tài giúp mang lại sự mắn và giàu sang, hóa giải sát khí và những điều xui xẻo

Lucky cat tattoos help bring luck and wealth, neutralize evil spirits and bad luck

Hình xăm cá chép đỏ mang ý nghĩa về tài lộc, giúp con đường thăng quan tiến chức thuận lợi.

Red carp tattoos mean fortune and help smooth the path to promotion.


Dragon tattoos bring strength and enthusiasm to the owner

Hình xăm hoa đào kín lưng mang đến an khang, thịnh vượng và sự may mắn trong công việc và tình yêu.

Full back peach blossom tattoos bring happiness, prosperity and luck in work and love.

Hình xăm chim công giúp con đường tài lộc như, sự nghiệp nở rộ, đời sống sung túc.

Peacock tattoos help on the path to fortune, such as a flourishing career and a prosperous life.

Hình xăm tranh sơn thủy ngụ ý muốn sức khỏe dồi dào, tài vận hanh thông.

Paintings of mountains and water paintings imply good health and good fortune.

Be careful when getting a tattoo on your back

Lựa chọn kích thước hình xăm phù hợp

Choose the appropriate tattoo size

Here are some notes that you need to remember when getting a back tattoo:

Choose a reputable feng shui tattoo address

Choosing a reputable feng shui tattoo address is an extremely important criterion. A tattoo artist with full experience and expertise will be able to help you choose which tattoo design brings good feng shui elements to you.

Prepare yourself mentally before getting a tattoo

You need to determine your pain tolerance limit and choose the appropriate tattoo size . For example, if you choose a big tattoo but your pain tolerance is too low, it will make you want to give up while the tattoo is not completed.

Ensure good health

  • Do not get a tattoo while using oral medications that affect blood clotting.
  • Do not drink alcohol , beer or stimulants before getting a tattoo because they will increase the sebaceous glands and foul odor, affecting the tattoo ink.
  • Eat well before getting a tattoo to avoid low blood pressure.

Chăm sóc cơ thể cẩn thận sau khi xăm

Take good care of your body after getting a tattoo

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