Dog honored in Australia for saving 100 koalas in the largest forest fire ever

We feel it is reasonable to assume that most people have heard of the Australian fires, which occurred between September 2019 and March 2020 and caused extensive damage to Australia’s flora and fauna. country. The fires were particularly catastrophic in New South Wales.

Last year’s drought and fires are the most serious signs of climate disaster in Australia. Disasters such as fires and floods have devastated farmers’ livelihoods and caused millions of dollars in damage.

Unfortunately, in the face of these terrible fires, many things happen to us in Australia

were also seriously injured or died. Around 60,000 wild koalas were killed in the disaster, making them the most vulnerable species. However, many of them were saved thanks to the efforts of volunteers, firefighters and especially dogs.

We’d like to introduce you to Bear, a dog who saved more than 100 koalas during the Blackwater bushfires in Australia.



Meet Bear, the dog who saved more than 100 koalas in the Australian bushfires

The guys contacted Bear’s owner and asked a few questions. So we wonder if Bear is specially trained to locate koalas. \s“ Specially trained for koalas. Collaboration with detection dogs for companionship at USC and IFAW—achieved through a lot of patience and perseverance.

Dogs are great allies for cooperation. Their measures are valuable and effective in helping them collect data on species. It significantly reduces effort and time! And it’s a win-win situation for everyone involved—solutions count, and as Bear illustrates, where there’s a will, there’s a way.”


So, we wanted to know how the idea for Bear’s Instagram account came about.

“Everyone has nothing! We already had an Instagram account for our detection dog team, but after the bushfires, everyone wanted to know more about Bear. So we take advantage of Facebook to share information about our work with IFAW, which rescues wildlife, research and everyday life.”



Take a look at this amazing dog as we also want to know what its personality is like!

“Silly and daring! Bear is actually a dog with poor self-esteem, but on the field, he just loves life and you can feel it in his goofy smile! He was so excited that all he wanted to do all day was play! His whole mind is on collecting toys and playing. He’ll jump up, do a quick drop, make a little ‘awoo’ sound, and tell you what he wants with his eyes—a toy! He needs to exercise or he’ll be stressed all day like a baby Dracell, and he’ll let you know! He loves to be patted and massaged early in the morning and in the evening, especially on his chest.

Also, strangely enough, he LOVES the smell of pizza! It’s the only food he’ll watch you eat.”



Bear supported medical assistance for koalas during the 2019-2020 bushfires. Bear’s incredible story has gone viral, so we wanted to find out what the dog’s owners thought about him.

“Ipsane! It was scary because this was all new to υs… However, everyone loves a dog with a good story! And if we can share some joy in the midst of the tragedy caused by the bushfires, it will be worth it.”



Bear looks like a lively dog, and he makes υs ask if his owner has any funny anecdotes to share with υs.


“While we were being interviewed, someone threw the ball behind, and Bear with his steel glasses tried to rush right into my interviewees, completely knocking that person out. —kпocking them off their chairs and into their stomachs! Bear continued as if something had happened. He will play that game if you can throw it and he can catch it… The bear keeps giving leaves to someone to throw, and with each throw, the leaf shrinks until there is only one left. stem piece. He puts this little stem attached to someone’s lap, so he can take it out and instead leave a large wet spot on that person’s clothes. This life lasts 30 minutes, and if there is not a single leaf left, he will move on.”

Finally, we couldn’t resist asking what Bear owners love most about him.



“My character! Sometimes he reminds me of Sid from Ice Age, things don’t always seem like they’ve changed… But when he changes his watch, and you could see all the gears working behind those eyes! One of his mappers called him Dobby White Walker, a reference to Harry Potter’s elf and the walker’s eyes white in Game of Thrones!

He is the only dog in Australia trained and capable of defeating koalas when it comes to sniffing out their scat and droppings.

Bear’s amazing work was rewarded when the dog received a Special Recognition Award from Animal Welfare in the UK.

The amazing actions of a 6-year-old Australian koolie boy earned him a gold medal.


Bear also wore these shoes to protect his feet while investigating fire-ravaged areas.

Thanks to his hard work, many koalas were saved, many pets and playtime were provided as an added reward for the good boy.

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