The cute little owl shelter from the Rain Underneath fungus. Images are not easy to come by

Like hawks and eagles, owls are titled birds of prey, meaning they use sharp claws and curved beaks to hunt, kill, and eat other prey.

But owls can be slightly different from hawks and eagles in countless ways. Most owls have large heads, sturdy bodies, soft, fluffy feathers, short tails, and reversible toes that can point forward or backward. Owls’ eyes face forward, like humans. Most owls are active at night so they are considered nocturnal birds.


There are about 250 species of owls around the world. They live on almost every continent except the cold region of Antarctica.


Many species of owls use their voices at exceptionally low frequencies, which allows their songs to travel long distances without being absorbed by vegetation. Becoming familiar with these songs and other vocalizations will help us find and identify the presence of owls.


Photographer Tanja Brandt captured an amazing photo of an owl taking shelter from the rain and to his surprise, the photo went viral on the Internet.



Her name is Poldi, she is only 1 and a half years old and he only has six sisters born before him. Brandt says she believes animals need to be photographed and recorded at appropriate times. He loves to walk with his animals and is always with them.

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