Why do birds have blue eggs?

As you may know, evolution contains many complexities and mysteries that we have unraveled since Charles Darwin published “On the Origin of Species” in 1859. There are still many discoveries to be made. Wonder is found when we look at our world, especially when it comes to birds. If you have ever encountered a bird’s nest in the wild, you will know that the eggs come in an extremely diverse range of colors and shapes. They are often spotted and sometimes have eye-catching colors. However, one of the most curious types of bird eggs are those that are blue in color.

Many common bird species around the world have been observed laying blue eggs in the wild. For example, blue jays, robins, starlings, sandpipers, house sparrows, thrushes, red-winged blackbirds and magpies have all been recorded as laying blue eggs (according to The Spruce).

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It is necessary to understand the process by which birds create blue eggs before trying to find out why they do so. Unlike mammals, birds do not have a uterus; Instead, they use a structure called a cloaca – a cloaca to lay eggs (according to The Spruce). Cloaca serves as a digestive and reproductive site. In addition, the chemical pigment biliverdin found in the nectar of some birds also appears during the formation of the shell of the young (according to Optics Mag). This compound is responsible for the blue color in the eggs of some birds.

Many bird species are known to lay multiple eggs per nest build (according to All About Birds). Higher concentrations of biliverdin cause the first eggs to be darker in color, while subsequent eggs may be lighter in color. Now we understand why some birds have blue eggs, but why are blue eggs beneficial to some birds?

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Bird eggs are bright blue and easily stand out in the nest. As a result, any potential predator can easily see them as lunch! Therefore, the idea that blue eggs provide protective camouflage in the nest is not as clear as it is for other birds that lay brown eggs, such as quail. This dominant idea associated with the color blue tends to refer to eggs and the important role sunlight plays in their development. Birds often lay eggs whose colors correspond to their habitat. Unhatched chicks are very sensitive to temperature and solar radiation, which can cause developmental delays or even death (according to Optics Mag).

White or light-colored eggs are more likely to be found in nests in warmer, brighter areas, and therefore absorb the Sun’s ultraviolet radiation more easily (according to the Animal Foundation). World object). However, darker colored eggs will appear in nests that have cooler temperatures under the light, as too much radiation can be dangerous during incubation. As a result, blue eggs are in an evolutionary sweet spot (according to Forbes), essentially benefiting from the sun’s rays, but not to the point of harming them.

The egg production process resembles a miniature assembly line inside a female bird. When the ovary is fertilized, it is just a protein-filled yolk. Next is albumen – egg white (gelatin).

The entire egg white and yolk are wrapped in a soft, stretchy membrane. A calcium carbonate shell is then formed on the outside, with minerals squirting out from special cells.

This is followed by pigmentation of the eggs with an overall protein coating before the eggs are laid. It takes about 24 hours to form a complete egg.


During the color formation process, the coloration stage takes place very quickly, within just a few hours before the eggs are laid.

Although there are many different colors and patterns, they are essentially dominated by just two pigments. Protoporphyrin produces a reddish brown color. Biliverdin produces blue and green shades. Egg pigments are versatile substances made up of complex molecules synthesized in the shell glands of birds.

And over time, the color and pattern of a species’ eggshell may also change, and the pigmentation on bird eggs may have evolved. According to research, with just two crosses, a Japanese quail that lays beige eggs with brown spots can start laying blue eggs.


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