The beauty of the pigeon has the most unique plumage on the planet

Green yellow is an eye-catching color. If you wear a sweater of this color, you can attract the eyes of those around you. This color just shines the way it should. What would happen if a pigeon put on yellow-green feathers? Well, it certainly wins attention every time they appear. Mother Nature has favored this flying creature and given it a unique outfit.


Golden fruit pigeon, golden pigeon or lemon pigeon are the names of this spectacular bird. It is covered in iridescent yellow-green with striped patterns. This green has many different shades – green head, yellow border, orange-yellow belly, green wings and tail.

Interestingly, this creature has a green beak and legs. The eyes are also pale yellow and are surrounded by bare green skin.


Compared to the stunning males, the females of this pigeon species are duller in color with dark blue plumage. They also have a yellow face and throat. The young look like females. Golden fruit pigeons are native to the islands of Viti Levu, Ovalau, Beqa, Ngau and Waya. They like to live in open forests, exhibition forests and secondary forests. However, these pigeons can be found in mature tropical forests with sparse bushes and tall trees. If you’re lucky, you might also spot them near towns and villages.


These pigeons are closely related to whistling pigeons and orange-eating pigeons. However, they do not share the same habitat in any location.

Currently, the population of this golden pigeon species has stabilized. They are listed as “Least Concern” on the IUCN Red List.


Regarding the breeding season of this species, it is distributed according to each region. For example, in Viti Levu, they breed from June to July. Female pigeons build a fragile foundation typical of the Columbidae family. This nest is made from tree branches and vines and is placed in a bush or a clump of vines. Then they lay an egg in the nest and incubate it until it hatches.

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