The multi-faceted gem of the Bird Kingdom King Bird of Paradise!

The King Bird of Paradise is not only small but also has a very lively appearance, making it known as a living pearl.

Ciciппυrυs regulations, commonly known as king birds of paradise, belong to the passerine bird family of Paradisaeidae, also called birds of paradise. The males of this species possess outstanding feats that set them apart. They are characterized by a vivid red color, two long, thin tail feathers that resemble strings, and a circle of bright green feathers at the end of the tail. The male’s belly is white, with a blue stripe across his chest.

In addition to his distinctive singing voice, the male bird also has a pair of black spots above his eyes. The female, on the other hand, is less vibrant in color, having olive eyebrows on her back, head, throat, while her chest is a mix of dark skin tones.


The King Bird of Paradise is common in Papua New Guinea and its islands. They are the ones who come to this area and can find different habitats such as lowland montane forests, gallery forests, forest edges and high secondary forests.


As a carnivore, the King bird of paradise mainly eats fruits and arthropods for a living.


King birds of paradise practice polygyny, which means that when they mate with one female, they cooperate to attract others. To show off his strength, the male bird will perch upright on a branch and flutter his wings. It will keep its body parallel to the branch, spread its chest feathers, and raise its tail over its head when jumping. After swishing its tail and body from side to side, it will hang upside down on the branch with its wings folded, swaying like a pendulum. The female will lay two cup-shaped eggs in a tree hollow and lay two eggs, which she will incubate for 17 days until hatching. The female will care for the chicks alone until they reach maturity.


IUCN has reported that the King bird of paradise can be widely hunted through its habitat. However, there is no current estimate of its overall population. Currently, the species has been classified as Less Homogeneous (LC) on the IUCN Red List and its population figures remain relatively stable.


Look and listen for this furry creature located just below these words:

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