8 Surprising Behaviors Displayed by Scarlet Tanagers

The scarlet harrier is one of the most beautiful birds in North America, with its colorful plumage and unique foraging habits. These migratory birds are known for their distinctive songs and fascinating behavior, making them a popular subject for bird watchers and nature enthusiasts alike. In this article, we’ll explore some interesting facts about scarlet harriers, from their breeding habits to their foraging behavior, and discover what makes these birds tick. unique. So let’s dive in and learn more about these beautiful birds!

8 facts about Scarlet Tanagers

1. They change color all year round

Although scarlet harriers are known for having bright, bold plumage, males actually change color between seasons. During the breeding season (spring to summer), males are a deep bright red with black wings. After the reproductive process ends, the male begins to molt, causing a significant change in appearance.

Outside of the breeding season, male scarlet tanagers actually have yellow-green plumage, making them look quite similar to females of the same species. In the spring, before the breeding season begins, males will molt again, revealing their characteristic deep red plumage.

Scarlet Tanager (breeding male)| image by Alan Schmierer via Flickr

2. They are monogamous

Although scarlet harriers do not mate for life, these birds are serially faithful. It is normal for a breeding pair to stay together for the entire season. Some couples may continue to travel and live together through many seasons.

After a pair has mated, the male will defend his territory from potential threats, while the female will build a nest for her young. After the chicks hatch, both parents have to work hard to raise the chicks. Young birds usually stay with their parents for about two weeks, but some may stay with them for a few weeks longer.

3. Scarlet Tanagers has a special song

As songbirds, scarlet harriers tend to make very loud sounds. Although their song is often compared to that of robins, scarlet martins have a slightly deeper and raspier voice. Their call is described as “chick-burr,” while others say it sounds more like “tisk-a-leee.”

Females have a slightly softer voice than males, but they still like to sing. Mating pairs will even sing together! Red tanagers are most vocal during the breeding season, and males will even use their songs as a way to mark their territory or attract potential mates.

Male Scarlet Tanager | images by Andy Reago & Chrissy McClarrenvia Flickr | CC BY 2.0

4. They usually do not visit bird feeders

Bird feeders can attract many types of birds, but it is unlikely to bring scarlet harriers to your yard. The main source of food for this bird is insects and they happily hunt for ants, flies, bees and other creatures. Although it supplements its diet with other foods, it typically seeks out berries and young buds, not seeds.

If you want to attract scarlet predators, try planting strawberry bushes in your yard. Some of their favorite berries include raspberries and mulberries. You can also leave out orange slices, just like you would when trying to attract orioles. In the summer, these birds are also attracted to water features such as fountains and birdbaths.

5. Red hair colorists have come a long way

Like many birds, scarlet raptors fly south during the winter for a steady food source. While some birds fly short distances, these birds travel from North America to South America. These long-distance migrants will fly up to 4,000 miles as the seasons begin to change.

While the scarlet tanager can be spotted in several South American countries during the winter, they are most commonly spotted in the Andes mountains. They fly mostly at night and stop to rest during the day. Whether flying north or south, these birds like to move in large groups.

Scarlet Tanager (female) | image of Under the Same Moon via Flickr | CC BY 2.0

6. Scarlet Tanagers are fast eaters

If a scarlet predator is hungry, it won’t waste any time before consuming all of its food source. In fact, one scarlet caterpillar was found to eat 600 caterpillars in just 15 minutes. If birds do not have young to feed, they often forage independently and will continue to eat until they are full.

The bright red centipedes not only eat fast, but also search for food in many places. They are known to forage on the ground and in treetops. They even catch some insects like flies right out of the air!

Male scarlet hunter in the forest | image by Land Between The Lakes via Flickr

7. They have many natural predators

There are many animals that pose a threat to scarlet predators. Many birds of prey, including owls and seabirds, are known to feed on these songbirds.

Not only do scarlet raptors need to watch out for attacks from other birds, but many creatures also attack their nests. Snakes and squirrels will both attack nests if they are left unattended. Other birds, such as crows and blue jays, also pose a threat to nests.

8. Other birds will destroy their nests

The brown-headed wagtail is a stocky black bird that acts as a parasite to the scarlet predator. These birds lay their eggs in the nests of scarlet harriers and leave them for other birds to hatch and raise.

Cowbird eggs develop faster than scarlet tanager eggs, and they also tend to be much larger. Once baby cowbirds have hatched, they may even push tanager eggs out of the nest to ensure their survival. To protect itself from these nesting parasites, scarlet predators try to build nests in larger forests near treetops.


9. They can eat deadly insects

Scarlet predators eat a variety of insects, but some of the creatures they eat can be dangerous. Not only do these birds have thick, rounded beaks that are effective at catching insects, but they also have a way of disarming their prey.

If a scarlet predator catches a stinging insect, such as a wasp or hornet, in its beak, it will scrape the insect into the bark or branch before eating. This neutralizes the insect, allowing birds to eat it safely. Thanks to this approach, scarlet tanagers can munch on any small insect they come across!

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